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ACEBEAM Wide Spectrum BLOS (Beyond-Line-of-Sight) Searchlight VS Other Laser Light

Jan 29, 2014
I'm waiting for when you have sold enough of these at the current price and need to lower it to attract cheap skates like me, or you have so much competition, you need to do so. Awesome torch.


New member
Nov 6, 2019
I don’t have anything intelligent to add other than I have a W30, and it’s absofreakinlutely incredible to have such a powerful and tight beam that goes “forever”, and fun to see it hit the base of an overcast cloud layer 1300 feet above ground level.

I do have to say that as a retired professional pilot and commercial driver with over a million miles logged hauling live humans around the U.S. and Metric Canada, from a safety standpoint, this thing scares the fecal pellets out of me, just the thought that some day, it’s bound to happen that some yahoo might (HOPEFULLY not, but “might”) aim one of these at an oncoming vehicle, or an aircraft on approach or final to a nearby airport and completely blind the operator of either vehicle. I Have thought of spotlighting deer on the shoulder of the road (I travel through some rural areas), but I’m afraid it might spook them, and I don’t know deer well enough to know how they might react. (My luck, they‘ll jump right in front of my vehicle without enough room to stop in time).

I can see it useful for SAR ops, and I’m pretty sure it’ll make a good weapon that will blind anyone dumb enough to break into my home while I’m inside. (Though, I can see that presenting a whole new set of problems if the intruder were armed, and started shooting wildly when suddenly blinded).

Another fun use (again, while exercising EXTREME caution to avoid contact with eyes) is to watch the dog chase the beam around the yard just like It were a laser pointer. The beam is so bright that when he gets wise to the fact that he’ll never “catch” the ”dot” on the ground, he’ll jump up and try to bite the beam in mid air because it’s so visible. It’s a funny sight to see.

No, it’s definitely not a ”white laser”, though the tight beam might sort of “resemble” a (very fat beam) laser to some.

One thing I do wish it had would be the ability to reduce the brightness, I can’t use it for something like lighting my path to avoid venomous snakes because at that close a range, it’s too blinding to actually see any potential dangers like that.

Like I said, nothing intelligent to add to the thread other than it’s an awesome (and only cheap for “the rich”) torch with a limited number of practical uses.
Mar 31, 2018
I don’t have anything intelligent to add other than I have a W30, and it’s absofreakinlutely incredible to have such a powerful and tight beam that goes “forever”, and fun to see it hit the base of an overcast cloud layer 1300 feet above ground level.

I do have to say that as a retired professional pilot and commercial driver with over a million miles logged hauling live humans around the U.S. and Metric Canada, from a safety standpoint, this thing scares the fecal pellets out of me, just the thought that some day, it’s bound to happen that some yahoo might (HOPEFULLY not, but “might”) aim one of these at an oncoming vehicle, or an aircraft on approach or final to a nearby airport and completely blind the operator of either vehicle. I Have thought of spotlighting deer on the shoulder of the road (I travel through some rural areas), but I’m afraid it might spook them, and I don’t know deer well enough to know how they might react. (My luck, they‘ll jump right in front of my vehicle without enough room to stop in time).

I can see it useful for SAR ops, and I’m pretty sure it’ll make a good weapon that will blind anyone dumb enough to break into my home while I’m inside. (Though, I can see that presenting a whole new set of problems if the intruder were armed, and started shooting wildly when suddenly blinded).

Another fun use (again, while exercising EXTREME caution to avoid contact with eyes) is to watch the dog chase the beam around the yard just like It were a laser pointer. The beam is so bright that when he gets wise to the fact that he’ll never “catch” the ”dot” on the ground, he’ll jump up and try to bite the beam in mid air because it’s so visible. It’s a funny sight to see.

No, it’s definitely not a ”white laser”, though the tight beam might sort of “resemble” a (very fat beam) laser to some.

One thing I do wish it had would be the ability to reduce the brightness, I can’t use it for something like lighting my path to avoid venomous snakes because at that close a range, it’s too blinding to actually see any potential dangers like that.

Like I said, nothing intelligent to add to the thread other than it’s an awesome (and only cheap for “the rich”) torch with a limited number of practical uses.

Thanks for sharing us your experience with ACEBEAM W30, and your suggestion will be taken into consideration. Thanks for your attention and support to ACEBEAM. :)
