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Accutronitis build.

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Dec 15, 2014
Hi Folks,
About 2 month ago Acc wanted me to make him a heat sink in copper . Well he sent me pics of the finished laser , Sorry no beam shots, but I'm posting this to see what kind of response the LPF members have to say. This should be interesting. Run with it..



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So he wanted to improve the Thor!!! Good for you Rich:)
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The only thing idid was machine the sink to the size of the bell and bezel ring all the rest was his doing. He just sent me pics of the finished build.

You got to give credit where credits do. He did do a decent job on his build. :gj:
Hi Raz,
Yes it seems like that i posted this to see if it was of any interest or Not. Any way all replies are welcome always.
I know the builder isn't the well most liked here on the forum but I'm more interested in the buy come .
Hey, as long as it gets the job done.

I have noticed how even the tiny thread play in the 3X BE can be a factor at medium range when using cylindrical correction pre beam expander, it's easily corrected by hand on the fly and I have made some slide zoomers myself, what I have discovered is that having fine threads is helpful.

However with a little patience I'm sure it works, the question is what's the lens ratio per mm of travel?

That is if you have a long slide that is used end to end to cover 5 feet to 100 feet then that would make zooming in easy, but if there's only 1 inch of sweet spot that covers 5 feet to 100 feet then that's harder to do, epically if there's any play in the slides alignment as it extends.

All in all it's a creative build and no doubt an improvement over the single lens selection we have readily at hand. i.e. 3E, G7, G2
Hi Red,
Thank you for your info on this i was curious about the beam length at a certain amount of feet. Awesome reply buddy nice ..

Geesh.. I thought we were finished with
that name...

Still looks like a Baseball Bat with a Tutu
to me...:crackup:

Hi Folks,
About 2 month ago Acc wanted me to make him a heat sink in copper . Well he sent me pics of the finished laser , Sorry no beam shots, but I'm posting this to see what kind of response the LPF members have to say. This should be interesting. Run with it..


The copper piece you made looks OK - at least it looks like an adult attempt.

What is amazing and hard to figure is that you couldn't resist feeding that " persona non grata" and perma-banned from every forum troll one more time by acting as an Accu-annex and posting his pictures.
In light of all the problems and trouble caused on LPF by Accu rhe last thing LPF needed is more pictures on top of the hundreds of not interesting pictures of that pathetic unstable wobbly poorly constructed "Thor's Butthole" laser.
Looks like he caught you hook, line, and sinker or your post is a result of Post Traumatic Accu Disorder . :crackup:

That being said, the laser it is OK as a grade school child science thing for an Elementary school level Science Fair laser or optics project. He might even get a "he tried" honorable mention ribbon with it. Maybe he will enter it in the Las Vegas Elementary School Science Fair --who knows.
For a 55 year old serious adults best effort it is a pretty pathetic piece of garbage the exception being the heat sink that you made.
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It might be interesting to someone but definitely not I!

If that thing passed as a laser and peaple paid money for it, well first I would have to try and replicate it and then I would be a millionaire.
Hi All of you replying. If i put a bed for a million buck about the replies that would accrue from this i could retire. Hey all the members here are entitled to their comments and its all good.
But replies are what make tis forum awesome good or bad.
And Encap no hook line and sinker here supposedly the guy came up with this and all am doing is showing it for replies E no worry I'm good buddy. Everyone here is entitled to what ever comes to mind. Your posts and all the members post are unique and different . Write on !!

It might be interesting to someone but definitely not I!

If that thing passed as a laser and people paid money for it, well first I would have to try and replicate it and then I would be a millionaire.

With that laser like that ---dare I say it--- you could control the world.
(A very small one like Accu's garage but a world) :crackup:

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persona non grata" and perma-banned from every forum troll one more time, in light of all the problems and trouble caused on LPF by Accu. The last thing LPF needed is more pictures

I agree.
I respect the fact that Rich would like to display his own work in part, (nice sink btw).
But I think we need to realise that there is a reason why we issue perma bans and it doesn't happen lightly.
Feeding the forum with more images/info from a perma banned member actually makes it harder for the mods
because we then have to deal with said ex members potentially trying to come back in another persona.
He's already stated recently (as one of his troll user accounts here) that we should stop mentioning his name on here
else he'll keep coming back to vindicate his name.
We had to ban that account too.

This then leads to another problem, in that, we then find it more difficult to verify new members as we become paranoid
that they may actually be said ex members returning under false pretences once again.

I think we've had enough of this ex member.
If anyone would like to follow his build progress they can try and find it on other forums that he frequents instead (if any, since he's been banned by so many) or on YT.


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