Here's what I find interesting about this thread in retrospect:
- This Pico was available over half a year before we started seeing multimode Nichia diodes in KasEO projectors. So I don't think the blue is our common Nichia (not to mention, it's the wrong kind of diode for this application anyway)
- The other obvious candidate is an Osram PL T4 NSB, which is the single mode ~455nm diode I'm expecting to find in my ShowWX laser pico once I dissect it next week.
- However, comments in this thread from someone who worked at AAXA suggest that the diode used in this Pico, came from Japan. Osram diodes do not come from Japan. If it's Japan, that means Nichia, and that means NDHB510APA or NDHA210APAE1 (both filed under the same FDA accession number, and likely at the same time)
- Admittedly, the NDHB510APA (single mode 445 ~50mW) is more likely, the NDHA210APAE1 (single mode 473nm ~20mW) would be possible, though less likely, but much cooler.
I wish someone would open this up