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A Huge Thank You to ArcticDude.

Which Diode would you use for this Host?

  • Total voters
Apr 6, 2014
If you could've only seen my face when I opened the package that Tero sent me, it would've been Priceless.

ArcticDude contacted me and offered to send me an MCU to control my second RGB unit for another build I want to complete.
(I still haven't completed my first RGB build yet but I will soon, The Genesis Project)

So he not only send me the MCU which gives you the ability to create all sorts of different effects and modes to drive the Opt RGB unit but he also sent me the following:

A gorgeous Host that is crafted so beautifully to accommodate a 25mm DTR module and a flip-up dust cap to protect The Sanwu 3x BE that I will put on it.

The Host takes two 26650 Li-ion batts and has a very cool green light push button side switch and tail cap master power switch.
This Host is substantial and is beautiful to behold in your hand.

So my Poll question is would you put an NDG7475, N520 or an N465 to suit this Host with a Sanwu 3x B.E?
Don't forget the Side Switch lights up green.

I'm torn between the N520 or an N465.
I would like the nicest beam and still be able to have a bit of burn capability.
The N465 has a gorgeous beam and WL, I assume the N520 has a nice beam too?

Some pics of what Tero sent for your viewing pleasure.

The MCU for my second RGB project.


The Host powered up to show the green side switch.


The flip-up Dust Cap for the Sanwu 3x BE:


And how it all fits together in the final assembly:


Very cool huh?

Thank you so much Tero !!
Very much appreciated my friend.
Once I'll decide which diode I'll update this thread with the build progress.



Wow. That's an awesome host!

Tero must be super skillful. That's a very nice looking MCU setup as well.
A shout out to "The ArcticDude" that is a good looking host! Nice dust cover also, should be standard equipment, looks like it belongs there. With such a great controller you got the fixings for some awesome builds.

I'm going to have to vote for the n465. It have turned out to be one of my favorite diodes. It so happens that the beam(s) in my avator is a n465 on the right and a 7475 in the middle. Both are superb. But if I had to choose. Man you make like so difficult! :)

Ps, N450 is on the left.

I haven't built with the n520 so I can't speak about it, but if it's anything like the n465 or the n450 it's a awesome diode also. :thinking:
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465 sounds great to me too, I must admit, I don't know which member Tero is, who built that host? I'd like to have one like that :)
If you could've only seen my face when I opened the package that Tero sent me, it would've been Priceless.


I bet you didn't see that coming, mate!
I'm glad to hear you liked it. :beer:

A shout out to "The ArcticDude" that is a good looking host! Nice dust cover also, should be standard equipment, looks like it belongs there. With such a great controller you got the fixings for some awesome builds.

Actually Bob,
I tried to offer that host to your collection but you was so anxious for Open source RGB host that you declined my offer.

Those 30mm lens covers are from ebay, they cost $0.90 /pcs

Secondly, In order to keep both hemisphere "Laser Museum's" on balance, I had to send that host + RGB controller to Andrew. :crackup:

465 sounds great to me too, I must admit, I don't know which member Tero is, who built that host? I'd like to have one like that :)

Chris, you already have 3D CAD file of that host/heatsink I sent you, but maybe we could figure something out.
-But I will need some time, I have huge load of things going on atm.
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I bet you didn't see that coming, mate!
I'm glad to hear you liked it. :beer:

Secondly, In order to keep both hemisphere "Laser Museum's" on balance, I had to send that host + RGB controller to Andrew. :crackup:

No, I certainly didn't see that coming my friend, thank you so much once again.

hahaha @ balancing both hemispheres Museums, LOL :crackup:

Bob, we have to organise alternate open days so that everyone has a chance to visit.

I must admit I'm so torn between the beautiful 465 and the 520.
I wish there was a way to make the modules interchangeable, LOL.

Haven't decided which one yet.
Keep your votes and suggestions coming, I appreciate them.

Actually Bob,
I tried to offer that host to your collection but you was so anxious for Open source RGB host that you declined my offer.

Those 30mm lens covers are from eBay

Secondly, In order to keep both hemisphere "Laser Museum's" on balance, I had to send that host + RGB controller to Andrew. :crackup:

I'm very happy with my open source rgb. But that is a great looking host! Anyways, you never know, I just heard they got another shipment of Mac&Cheese in. :D

Bob, we have to organise alternate open days so that everyone has a chance to visit.

I must admit I'm so torn between the beautiful 465 and the 520.
I wish there was a way to make the modules interchangeable, LOL.

Haven't decided which one yet.
Keep your votes and suggestions coming, I appreciate them.


The alternative day idea just might work out well, besides it would help those collecting frequent flyer miles. :crackup:

I was thinking about the dilemma of which diode to use. How about a second host? You can thank me later!! :D :crackup: :D
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Chris, you already have 3D CAD file of that host/heatsink I sent you, but maybe we could figure something out. - But I will need some time, I have huge load of things going on atm.

Haven't looked at those plans for months, lost a lot when my computer crashed. I didn't recognise it is the same host, sure is a beauty!
Andrew, I see that Christmas has came early this year, that is one good looking host, I really like that green illuminated side clicky.
Even though your side switch is green, I voted for the N465 with its beautiful wavelength!

That 30mm dust shield looks like it's made for that 3X BE, nice. (Thanks for the ebay link AD).
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I was thinking about the dilemma of which diode to use. How about a second host? You can thank me later!! :D :crackup: :D

hehehe, you funny guy.... :crackup: :beer:

Andrew, I see that Christmas has came early this year, that is one good looking host, I really like that green illuminated side clicky.
Even though your side switch is green, I voted for the N465 with its beautiful wavelength!

That 30mm dust shield looks like it's made for that 3X BE, nice. (Thanks for the ebay link AD).

It may have dumped 15cm of snow at Tero's (ArcticD) place but yes it was an early Christmas for me Jeff. :D
Next best thing to a white Christmas, LOL.

I agree, the N465 is very tempting indeed, the WL does look so beautiful.
The dustcover makes it look like a snipper's weapon.
I love it.

