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A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser

That was worth pointing out. Thanks.

I don't look at any laser 10cm away. I was referring to maybe a few metres... 2-3? I usually sit on my bed and fire the laser around my room so, yeah. 2-3m.

I admittedly sit on my bed and laze around with 125mW... but there's nothing reflective on that wall and it's a good 5 yards away. I don't think damage is possible at ten feet unless you stare for extended periods of time. What I was picturing, was a dot passing relatively close to your eye, like a white wall 2 feet away from your face. So yeah Leodahsan, closer to 1m.

10cm away would be really stupid and pointless, with any laser.
Fair enough. Point taken.
Wouldn't say 10cm is stupid with *any* laser, although i'm unnecessarily picking holes now. When i was making my first spirograph i used a 1mW red cheapy to align everything... how far i've come since then...

The spirograph still isn't working though :yabbmad:
I bought the same laser a few moths ago. I have a friend that liked mine and bought it also. He and I have had nothing but problems with them. I would suggest you try out led shoppe lasers. I bought a couple lasers from them and havent had any problems.

Huh? :wtf: Same laser as what?
I bought the same laser a few moths ago. I have a friend that liked mine and bought it also. He and I have had nothing but problems with them. I would suggest you try out led shoppe lasers. I bought a couple lasers from them and havent had any problems.

Your friend liked it even though you had nothing but problems with it? *confused*

And yeah, LEDshoppe was a pretty good value, but I almost totally recommend Priceangels over them now. Basically the same product, but way cheaper.
randomlugia, i get the impression this guy is being an arse, or this post was intended elsewhere.
I didn't really get that impression, though "LEDshoppe employee" did come to mind... Might as well get the info out there, haha.
By the way, randomlugia, I noticed in your signature, you said speedcuber. Are you reffering to the rubix cube?
Originally Posted by randomlugia
Then you should get it by the end of December. Although shipping on the holidays can get REALLY slow.
It January 19 and still no laser.
By the way, randomlugia, I noticed in your signature, you said speedcuber. Are you reffering to the rubix cube?

Instead of making a new post, you can just edit the old one to include the new message.
Yay!! :D
The first laser is always the one you have most fun with IMO. Stay safe, and enjoy it!
Btw, welcome to the forum.
