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A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser

palmer: If you MUST have one of them, go for focalprice one. The rayfoss company sucks this time. They are not safe and trustwotrhy anymore...

If the only thing which makes you want it to buy is unbelieveble low PRICE, some big red flashing light should turn on in your head. You are going to throw that money to the bin this way...
woow..that is a informative post,thanks very much.Now i do believe i got a right place for laser!
Don't forget these they have great prices at focalprice and at dhgate but dhgate has some really high outputs for EXTREMELY low prices which seems as if they will work for 10 minutes. These are probably overspec but worth a shot. Tell me if u order from them what they really are.

This "dhgate" company totally sucks!! They claim that they have a 350mW greenie in a pen :wtf: But lol they don´t say TRUE 350mW, they say TRUE black host :crackup:

Palmer, don´t say that they have `high outputs for extremely low prices´you had never test a single dhgate-laser on a laserpowermeter.
You must know it is not technically possible to put 350mW las in a pen design. Of course you can do it. Make the act, but it wont work for you. No way.
If good quality companies could do that, They will because this would be nice cheap host for it. But you can see they don´t.
This "dhgate" company totally sucks!! They claim that they have a 350mW greenie in a pen :wtf: But lol they don´t say TRUE 350mW, they say TRUE black host :crackup:

Eh, the Chinese often list words in the wrong order. But I agree impossible, and a scam.

Oh and palmer, about the post you put on my profile, I would look at the LEDshoppe 50mW pen. These are usually measured from 55-130mW, and they're fairly good quality. Also only $24 shipped. Anything above 5mW can put your eye out (technically, though you would have to hold it there). If you want generally safe, which means damage can occur from diffuse reflections, 50mW tops. If you want a little safer (damage can occur from normal reflections), 30mW. And if you want a laser that won't hurt you even if you stare into it (PLEASE DON'T ANYWAY!), 5mW.
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I understand but disagree - Rayfoss is at down hill way in some kind (see reviews and other posts here on LPF), and The focalprice sucks really very much.
You are typically going to do one of these two things
1) Buy some standard laser from trusted company (at least in terms of warranty on function of the laser, not power or quality) Which is quite pricey for you, or
2) You are going to throw half of the 1.st point money right into the bin.

Forget for DHgate, Go with not so trusted rayfoss, or Dealextreme (still underpowered unit) but with some support and warranty for not funcional one.

I did the same thing yesterday. Low budget - The 150mW DX Pen-like NewWish. Three pieces for around $36 a piece(will do a review), I´ll choose the best one, and sell these other...
Rayfoss may be downhill in some way, but they are still "the best of the cheap".

Hey everybody just added a huge rant under safety, I came across the problem way too many times.
i think RPL stands for really powerful laser, just like BFG stands for big fucking gun (or bio force gun). just a random rant.
what is a good site if people want the best prices like for first timers just get a taste of a stronger laser for much much less
If you can wait a week I ordered a 500mw green for 120 at dhgate. I'm expecting around 100-300mw I will post a reply on how it works when I get it.
