Damn, I feel for you. Been there 3 times, but always somehow bounced back. You can bounce back too. Life always have its ups and downs. Try not to dwell on the downs. Nothing is ever permanent, and there is always an up. Keep your chin up, and keep moving forward and you'll do fine.
Are there any day labor jobs where you live? Also try sub and pizza shops. They are always looking for people, and most will pay cast till you can get on your feet. Also try construction sites, they are always looking for people too. Look for roofers, landscapers, painters, framers, or steel. They all look for laborers. I've even delivered newspapers. I had a 300 paper run. It only takes a few hours in the morning, and you can make some real cash. I was pulling almost $500 a week between tip, and my pay. And that was around 20 years ago. You'll do better going to a site and asking for work in person. People are always looking for telemarketers too, and they make the big bucks.
Good luck Ken. If I dont buy something, I'll throw a nickle in the pot for you.
Its never to later to start over, so dont get discouraged.