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a complain received by a customer for the newly 520nm green laser pointer

Look forward to seeing your review WizardG. :) Go and get those batteries. :D

I thought that only this morning, but it turns out it is further along than you think. :)
They left a pink slip pick up notice:cryyy:
I thought in was in a small package? Like you Curtis we got even more snow last night, so have to clean the wheels again and go pick it up.
Now to look at Raazko's review:)
Oh, I hope you are able to pick it up soon. I was lucky with the snow, barely settled at all. I may receive it today, if not Monday. :)
They left a pink slip pick up notice:cryyy:
I thought in was in a small package? Like you Curtis we got even more snow last night, so have to clean the wheels again and go pick it up.
Now to look at Raazko's review:)

That is so wrong.. they actually delivered mine. package EASILY fit in the mailbox. unfortunately I had to order batteries as my local supplier is out :scowl:

Do we need to get a fund going to mail you a box of lead? :eg:
Was it a basic bubble kind of package that easliy kinda fold? My box like I said is maby 6'x 6" but pretty long. Like a typical smaller P.O. postal box. The fricken mail doesn't come till after 6:00pm and i'm 11 floors up so its a pain for me to go down and wait:mad:
Now you got me wondering if they even brought it....
Yeah we got bombed with a foot of snow the night before and again maby 5" last night:(

Yeah i'm in on the lead thing!

Ok I see Razako got it in a big box, so just maby it wouldn't fit.
I didn't see the nicer box coming as i'm used to the China bubble packs but on my defense the tracking did say envelope type:o
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kind of. it was a bubble mail wrapped tight around the box the laser is in. total size was about the same as a small flat rate box. at least for mine... like they used the envelope because they had to but not how it was intended to be used. lemme find a measuring tape and i can measure my packaging and edit this post.

EDIT:Measuring tape missing, used flat top 18650's instead xD

APPROX: 5.25x2x7 inches Rounded up to account for standard used and metric units>"american units" conversion.
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Yup that's just about the size of a small priority box:cryyy:
It comes so so close to fitting, if my box was maby 1/2" bigger on one side it could squeeze in...Why when they built this building didn't they account for my laser delivery's:whistle: so now you know how much lead is needed:beer:
Yup that's just about the size of a small priority box:cryyy:
It comes so so close to fitting, if my box was maby 1/2" bigger on one side it could squeeze in...Why when they built this building didn't they account for my laser delivery's:whistle: so now you know how much lead is needed:beer:

:crackup: I don't think any building was built with laser deliveries in mind.
I could see your post office leaving a pink slip for the lead too even if it would fit.
Mine arrived today and works fine. Reviews, pictures and hopefully an LPM reading coming soon. It appears to be overspec, as a dim beam was visible in a light room. It is a lovely traffic light green. I hope you get yours soon GSS. :)
Thanks Merry. :beer:
First impression: decent little laser. But it uses a linear regulator so if you try CR123 primary cells, at only 3 volts each, it will look a lot like the one that started this whole thread. With only 6 volts input the diode is just under threshold and quite dim. @ 7.5 volts it's at it's 85mA setpoint. So far the only thing negative about this laser is that it isn't fully safe for unprotected RCR123 cells. Even at only 3 volts input it will still draw ~9-10 mA. If it were accidentally left switched on it would ruin a set of unprotected cells. Taking the batteries out when not in use is probably a good idea but other than that....decent little laser. Pics and LPM tomorrow!
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Fresh off the charger. For both.
Nuon brand, theyre pretty nice. Doesnt dim out like other cheap batteries.

Have you measured the voltage of your batteries? This laser will disappoint you if you feed it less than 7 volts. Nuon has a bit of a bad reputation over @ CPF. Try a quality pair of RCR123 if your cells are anything below 3.5 volts and you may see quite a difference.
Turns out the batteries I had for it were the wrong kind, gonna stop by the local vape shop and see if they have the right ones tomorrow afternoon.

Feels pretty solid though!
Hoping mine shows up this week, but who knows? It's Yellowknife after all. Still waiting on the batteries anyway...
