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A Big Thanks To RyanElectro!

Apr 28, 2012
I had a great experience purchasing a laser with RyanElectro recently. I bought a 2.5W Steel Monster from him, and absolutely love it! It has a beautiful beam and burns like a champ.The laser runs for over a minute without heating up much! He is a new builder but delivers great work and tech support. I recommend him to anyone, especially new buyers. He has 24/7 support for any issues, which I have had none so far. Also, He was very competitive with his pricing and made me a beast for $299, came with goggles, charger, tripod, and holster!

Thanks Ryan. :beer:

P.S. I will be posting some burn videos and pics soon for you guys to :drool: over!

If this is in the wrong section could a mod move it for me please! :)
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I had a great experience purchasing a laser with RyanElectro recently. I bought a 2.5W Steel Monster from him, and absolutely love it! It has a beautiful beam and burns like a champ.The laser runs for over a minute without heating up much! He is a new builder but delivers great work and tech support. I recommend him to anyone, especially new buyers. He has 24/7 support for any issues, which I have had none so far. Also, He was very competitive with his pricing and made me a beast for $299, came with goggles, charger, tripod, and holster!

Thanks Ryan. :beer:

P.S. I will be posting some burn videos and pics soon for you guys to :drool: over!

If this is in the wrong section could a mod move it for me please! :)

What kinds of lasers have you owned before?

What kind of tech support have you needed?

How long have you had the laser?

For 24/7 support he would need people working for him. How many people have you spoken to?

If you have had no issues, how do you know about his great tech support?

Did he ask you to post this?

Are you receiving any discounts or "gifts" for posting this?

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Hey thanks a lot bud, I'm glad you like your laser, treat it well it was my baby. Have fun & stay safe! :beer:

As far as I know, he hasn't owned another laser before, but I might be wrong.

Support I gave him was basically around some charger issues as well as other general & technical inquiries.

And he has only spoken to me, I don't have anybody hired for tech support, you didn't actually think that did you? :confused:

But I think OP meant general support, not tech support. There wasn't much tech support needed, everything went smoothly with him. But I'm online 24/7 give and take 2-3 hours for sleep everyday. And during this time, my customers can ask me anything they want, laser-related and non-laser-related.

And no I didn't bribe him with any gifts or discounts or w.e. Are you serious? :thinking:

dave oh dave ;)
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What kinds of lasers have you owned before?

What kind of tech support have you needed?

How long have you had the laser?

For 24/7 support he would need people working for him. How many people have you spoken to?

If you have had no issues, how do you know about his great tech support?

Did he ask you to post this?

Are you receiving any discounts or "gifts" for posting this?


The answers to your questions in order:

I had problems with the charger at first, but it was ok. Just chargers work weird with protected batts.

I have had the laser for a few weeks now and it has ran fine, and does not get hot fast.

He is always online, there has not been a single time that I have messaged him where he has not come right back saying hey. Android phones these days...

No, he did not ask me to post this. He simply asked me for a review, I will even post the conversation we had on skype for you non-believers. He is the little guy on this forum and he did me right. I did not get "paid-off" to do this. I have honor and integrity, thanks.

[5/14/2012 2:31:14 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: heyy
[5/14/2012 2:31:18 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: LOL
[5/14/2012 2:31:22 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: dude do a review on it!
[5/14/2012 2:31:23 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: :D
[5/14/2012 2:32:59 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: I'm glad you like it
[5/14/2012 2:51:31 PM] oOLaharlOo: It's nice
[5/14/2012 2:51:36 PM] oOLaharlOo: the only thing is the dot isnt really a dot
[5/14/2012 2:51:38 PM] oOLaharlOo: its like a line
[5/14/2012 2:52:02 PM] oOLaharlOo: A focused little line
[5/14/2012 2:52:04 PM] oOLaharlOo: xD
[5/14/2012 2:54:44 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: yeah
[5/14/2012 2:54:48 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: that's normal
[5/14/2012 2:54:55 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: because of the G-2 Lens its more like a line
[5/14/2012 2:55:02 PM] oOLaharlOo: oh, ok
[5/14/2012 2:55:04 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: can u do a review of it PLEASEEE
[5/14/2012 2:55:17 PM] oOLaharlOo: Yes I will when I have more time to play with it
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Hey thanks a lot bud, I'm glad you like your laser, treat it well it was my baby. Have fun & stay safe! :beer:

As far as I know, he hasn't owned another laser before, but I might be wrong.

Support I gave him was basically around some charger issues as well as other general & technical inquiries.

And he has only spoken to me, I don't have anybody hired for tech support, you didn't actually think that did you? :confused:

But I think OP meant general support, not tech support. There wasn't much tech support needed, everything went smoothly with him. But I'm online 24/7 give and take 2-3 hours for sleep everyday. And during this time, my customers can ask me anything they want, laser-related and non-laser-related.

And no I didn't bribe him with any gifts or discounts or w.e. Are you serious? :thinking:

dave oh dave ;)

Ryan, I don't believe I asked you anything

Is this your review or his?

These are the questions that need to be answered to know the credibility and ability of a reviewer

Since the reviewer is unknown the membership needs to know these things to judge the value of the review

There is not one bit of accusation included herein for you to become defensive over

Once again, accept the "cost" of doing business here or go elsewhere

Ryan, I don't believe I asked you anything

Is this your review or his?

These are the questions that need to be answered to know the credibility and ability of a reviewer

Since the reviewer is unknown the membership needs to know these things to judge the value of the review

There is not one bit of accusation included herein for you to become defensive over

Once again, accept the "cost" of doing business here or go elsewhere


I hear ya, no problem!
Dave, this is 100% my review. He asked me to do a review and I did one. He did not tell me what to write or offered me anything. I simply just want to give credit where credit is due and move on.
Dave, this is 100% my review. He asked me to do a review and I did one. He did not tell me what to write or offered me anything. I simply just want to give credit where credit is due and move on.

Is it this laser?


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The answers to your questions in order:

I had problems with the charger at first, but it was ok. Just chargers work weird with protected batts.

I have had the laser for a few weeks now and it has ran fine, and does not get hot fast.

He is always online, there has not been a single time that I have messaged him where he has not come right back saying hey. Android phones these days...

No, he did not ask me to post this. He simply asked me for a review, I will even post the conversation we had on skype for you non-believers. He is the little guy on this forum and he did me right. I did not get "paid-off" to do this. I have honor and integrity, thanks.

[5/14/2012 2:31:14 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: heyy
[5/14/2012 2:31:18 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: LOL
[5/14/2012 2:31:22 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: dude do a review on it!
[5/14/2012 2:31:23 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: :D
[5/14/2012 2:32:59 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: I'm glad you like it
[5/14/2012 2:51:31 PM] oOLaharlOo: It's nice
[5/14/2012 2:51:36 PM] oOLaharlOo: the only thing is the dot isnt really a dot
[5/14/2012 2:51:38 PM] oOLaharlOo: its like a line
[5/14/2012 2:52:02 PM] oOLaharlOo: A focused little line
[5/14/2012 2:52:04 PM] oOLaharlOo: xD
[5/14/2012 2:54:44 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: yeah
[5/14/2012 2:54:48 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: that's normal
[5/14/2012 2:54:55 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: because of the G-2 Lens its more like a line
[5/14/2012 2:55:02 PM] oOLaharlOo: oh, ok
[5/14/2012 2:55:04 PM] Ryan's Custom Lasers: can u do a review of it PLEASEEE
[5/14/2012 2:55:17 PM] oOLaharlOo: Yes I will when I have more time to play with it

Okay. This thread hasn't been commented on in a few weeks. I get it.

But there is something wrong with that chat......

The laser is a line and not a dot because it is a multi mode 445 diode. Not because of the g-2 lens.... You should provide your customers with correct information. The g-2 lens adds "splash" or "wings" , but doesn't change the lasers output from a tem00 dot to a line. That is the diodes fault.
We were comparing lenses during that conversation and he asked why the dot looked more like a line than a dot. I told him it's actually possible to have the dot look more "dot-ish" (aka nicer beam profile) using a lowered powered lens, but because of the G-2 lens it's more like a line (as in brings out the natural diode's beam characteristic, not that the G-2 makes it a line).

I tend not to get too technical with my customers anymore. I used to explain everything in every detail, but soon realized most of them don't give a shit what I have to say about technicals and want short, simple, noob-friendly, twitter-like explanations. It's like that everywhere else but here, and I've realized it has actually been a luxury to be able to argue & care about the science to minute detail as we do here :D
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We were comparing lenses during that conversation and he asked why the dot looked more like a line than a dot. I told him it's actually possible to have the dot look more "dot-ish" (aka nicer beam profile) using a lowered powered lens, but because of the G-2 lens it's more like a line (as in brings out the natural diode's beam characteristic, not that the G-2 makes it a line).

I tend not to get technical with my customers, most of them don't give a shit what I have to say so I've learnt to just stick to "noob talk".

The G series produce a smaller dia at aperture, and in turn faster divergence.
The only difference between them and an aixiz glass is power and some artifacts
the shape remains the same.
The G series produce a smaller dia at aperture, and in turn faster divergence.
The only difference between them and an aixiz glass is power and some artifacts
the shape remains the same.

Yup and the other difference is that the Aixiz lens has some correction, allowing a more dot-like projection. While the G lenses focuses to a much longer, thin line instead.
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We were comparing lenses during that conversation and he asked why the dot looked more like a line than a dot. I told him it's actually possible to have the dot look more "dot-ish" (aka nicer beam profile) using a lowered powered lens, but because of the G-2 lens it's more like a line (as in brings out the natural diode's beam characteristic, not that the G-2 makes it a line).

I tend not to get too technical with my customers anymore. I used to explain everything in every detail, but soon realized most of them don't give a shit what I have to say about technicals and want short, simple, noob-friendly, twitter-like explanations. It's like that everywhere else but here, and I've realized it has actually been a luxury to be able to argue & care about the science to minute detail as we do here :D

It looks like you started the conversation with a "heyyy"

And the conversation lasts about 20 minutes with no mention of a lens... Unless lahari edited out a bunch of text. I'm just sayin from his conversation ( if it is unedited which it looks like it is) that you told him the line was from the g-2 lens and not the diode characteristics instead.

And I would have to see some measurements of a 445 output with a aixiz 3 element and a g-1/2 series lens to believe the line actually becomes "longer" , or "more like a line". Cause I can't recall them havin that effect and don't have a g-1/2 lens ATM to test it myself.
I know what you mean and can see why you think I'm giving incorrect information, but it's a matter of perception. In reality, yes it's the multimode diode that's the source of the rectangular projection. But normal lenses (the Aixiz) correct this behaviour very substantially and results in a very clean, circular dot. While the G lens does not, and thus produces a fine line instead. So when I say, "It's because of the G lens, it's more like a line" in comparison to a normal lens, where it's more like a dot, it's not wrong, it's true. When speaking to non-technical customers who have not a clue multimode vs singlemode and don't care to know, then it's pointless trying to explain all the science behind it. The point was the customer wanted to know if it was normal, and my point was to assure him that yes it was normal. =)

Also, the line doesn't become longer with the G lens, it's just that the Aixiz clips the beam a lot more with its very small NA compared to the G's high NA.
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