OMG i friggin LOVE those coozie cup holder Kendall!! I have like 3 ^_^
I refuse to drink a beer withought my HTD coozie!
I'd like to get some made (like ten) and give them away for free with orders on a specific date. PM me if that cool with you. I dont wanna sell em or anything,/
back on topic, These SF-AW diodes are quick to die and have shit heatsinks. Their not as good as a GGW, but I dont think they are a true 6x diode... I think their 4x's that were pushed harder in that bulky heatsink they come in.... sorrect me if anyone knows differently.
I have a NEW never tests red diode coming in 3-5 days... It could replace the LPC for good... we'll see

i'll post results in a dedicated thread.
But buy them from Kendall, he ships GREAT! packs GREAT! and has awsome coozies!!! "I wish i could get like a bunch for when we have our beighborhood laser parties!" allotta beers and stuff ya know.
You should put the web adress on there Kendall
Tyler - Dark Lasers