I opened a case. This is the reply I got.
We appreciate you contacting eBay in regard to item #350348430487. I
understand how frustrating it can be when you make an online purchase
and the item never arrives. I thank you for your patience and commend
you for the time that you have given the seller to correct this
I have good news! After reviewing the case, I have decided to close it
in your favor! We will be refunding you for the full amount of this
transaction (the cost of the item and the original shipping to you). Our
system will generate an automated email that says the same, but I wanted
to take a few moments and explain our decision in further detail.
You should see the money in your PayPal account within 7 calendar days.
If you do not have a PayPal account you'll simply need to open one with
your registered eBay email address to claim the refund.
Also, please make sure that the email address on your eBay account is
added and confirmed on your PayPal account. If it is not, you will not
be able to receive the refund.
Here are the steps to confirm your email address with your PayPal
1. Log into your PayPal account at
2. Hover over the "Profile" link under the "My Account" tab
3. Click on "Add or Edit Email" from the drop-down menu
4. Select your email address and click "Confirm"
5. Check your personal email for an email from PayPal
6. Open the email and follow the instructions to confirm your email
Thank you for being a valuable member of the eBay community! I look
forward to assisting you with your many future eBay transactions.
Gracel J.J
eBay Buyer Protection