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FrozenGate by Avery

593.5nm 2-4mW pointer review(ish)

You guys must of gotten the last two in stock. Ordered my 589 May 4th. Got a letter Friday
from Adam saying they were out of stock, but would be shipped this week. ( I hope )

You guys must of gotten the last two in stock. Ordered my 589 May 4th. Got a letter Friday
from Adam saying they were out of stock, but would be shipped this week. ( I hope )

I also ordered on 4th May so you must be right. Hope yours is shipped asap!
Enjoy it gozert! I have the exact same laser/host, except slightly more powerful, in worse shape, and with poorer divergence :p I still love it to bits, but I'm considering maaaayybe selling it to save up for a 50mW 589. Anyway, welcome aboard the 593.5 ship!
Great photos. It picks up the colour well, a lovely golden-amber colour. Quite different to 589, and imo, a fair bit nicer. I think these are probably rarer than 589 especially since the DL explosion a few months/year back. As has been mentioned you get very little but it's such a quirky wavelength I think it's worth it. it's also the "original" DPSS yellow.

I have an older version of this that has been passed through more LPF members than a whore in a crackhouse and it has no paint left, just the bare brass body. It's very finicky about how it runs, giving just dim green on anything less than perfect batteries or in a cold room. I'm so glad I didn't sell it though, they're very special in a technological sense, if I am not mistaken the pump power behind them is 500mW which is crazy for the small host.
Thanks Trencheel! I can imagine the pump power being huge, it already gets warm after 20 seconds of use. It indeed is a very nice, unique wavelength. Quite different than 589nm, although it's a little hard to compare a >50mW laser with a <4mW laser. Still enjoying it, especially since I can take it outside without having to worry about it being illegal.
