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583.8nm and 589nm, the golden brothers

Yeah I almost bought that myself. No realistic reason tho as it's not so easy to make a yellow of any quality just Willy nilly. You still need a pretty sizable yag to make good use of that. Plus mirrors and a housing and cooling, and electronics... yikes. I got some TECs but no machinists around to make parts on a budget. Or I'd make dpss stuff. Too expensive.

If I can't do 589nm with this crystal, I want to find the right AR coated Nd:YV04 and pump with 808nm to make 593.5 yellow.

Found this searching:

Well Its a large pen per-se its not a little one like a GLP, its a middle size between the GLP and PGL-III-C.

and for the 589 I believe it uses yittrium garnet, while the 593.5 uses the yittrium vanadate. this is due to the YVO4 having too weak a line at 1319. I'll also note that the 1319 and the 1347 lines like to compete with each other for dominance, and they also like to try to fight with the larger 1064 line. so this is a tricky setup to get lasing and to KEEP lasing. It's very temperature sensitive, and of course about its orientation.

Prior to your mention of a YAG for 1319nm and finding the above through an LPF search, I did not know to use a YAG for 589nm. i don't mind my pointers having a diameter of 2 to 3 inches for the body, maybe I ought to consider PBS cube combining the output of separate sources for 1064nm and 1319 or 1342nm to pump the KTP crystal. Should make the unit far more stable, I have a couple of 3 watt 1064nm C-Mount diodes in my collection, I could use one of those for that side, except for a potential problem due to being plus or minus 5nm. I also have a 15 watt 1320nm FAP laser I could drive at low current, maybe TEC tune both to 1064 & 1319nm. Only big question remaining is I don't know how much power the KTP XTAL can take.

Edit: My Brightlase 6013-M001 15 Watt 1320nm FAP has a spectral width of up to 14nm, plus minus 20nm from center, arrrrggg. http://www.qpclasers.com/pdf/products/BLUltra50_MEDICA.pdf - I guess that is a no go. Still searching, if anyone has a source for a 1319nm output 808nm diode pumped YAG or 1342nm output ND:YVO4 with AR coatings to be driven at 808nm, please do tell.
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