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FrozenGate by Avery

565nm From LaserLandAustralia

I rather doubt that. It takes what appears to be a 940nm IR diode putting out over 1 watt of optical power and the drivers get quite hot. Zraffleticket bought one from Australia that only runs for 1 minute before it goes into thermal shut down. I think these are unusual and might not take off at all at the prices we have seen lately.

Alright, I just hope they become available in a host soon.

It's just the driver that goes into thermal shutdown. Maybe some a diode or two in series with the LD you'd be able to use a blackbuck. I'm off and on looking for the drivers CNI uses in their DPSS units (they won't sell them to me separately)
I believe these can be made into a handheld just like Nexgen did with one of these. To find one for sale from a Chinese seller like Sanwu, if they come around at all will be highly over priced. Your best bet is build one yourself, or contract someone here to build one for you.

Also, I meant the driver was going into thermal shutdown as there is no way the head would do that. It would just die from thermal runaway.
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I saved some money for higher power units they are developing. And yes, we need sources for linear drivers. Blackbuck can work with case positive diodes?

BTW, Sta is new owner of my handheld.
Has anyone yet tested the current going to the LD? Also, is there any evidence of optical feedback being used in the driver? I can't wait to get mine and do some testing.

If the drivers are turning out to be bad then a very simple DIY constant current driver should power it up just fine.
I saved some money for higher power units they are developing. And yes, we need sources for linear drivers. Blackbuck can work with case positive diodes?

BTW, Sta is new owner of my handheld.

I take it from your comment that you sold the one HH you made. I remember you used a driver from a 532nm laser you had. IIRC, you set the driver current to 1100 mA? Right? :thanks:

Any driver that can deliver enough current at a low Vf should work if you isolate the diode from the host. A linear driver might not be the best way to go with these.
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I ran an Australian unit for about 7 hours from a current limited power supply @ 1.5A and it was between 27 & 30 mw output. The Aussy said it was a 2 watt diode...
That sounds about right. Did you get the 565nm or the 575nm laser? I know he has been claiming increasing power with these units, but don't know if this is right or salesmanship. Mine puts out a good 36 mW at 574nm. Very yellow color.
I bought the 575, but other than an old colorimeter that I haven't pulled out of the cabinet I have no way to measure it. Still it's yellow enough for me. I've got some of the Chinese units on order - the post on photonlexicon claimed < 20mw, but that would be plenty for Lumia in a 30 or 40 foot dome, and doubling it would be easy enough...
I’m going to spectro my 565 and 575 tonight, someone remind me to post the results
Got my 575 today. Very yellow but....565 looks more yellow when in lumia next to 532. The 575 looks slightly orange. It’s all relative.
Which spectrometer do you have, Sta? Just trying to get a handle on how accurate it is.

I'm sure the 565nm looks more yellow next to any green laser from 532nm down to 502nm. I suspect the 575nm one looks orange only when next to the 565nm one. What does it look like alone? I haven't seen the 565nm ones, but people I know have said it is greenish yellow. That sounds about right as my 574nm looks lemon yellow to me.
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575 by itself is yellow yellow. 565 by itself is yellow with touch of green. 575 next to 565 looks slight orange and 565 then looks yellow. 565 next to 532 looks very yellow and 575 looks slightly orange. Does that help?

575 with 473is super white. 565 with 473 is more white.
Maybe I'm wrong... But the reason I want yellow isn't for how it compares to green. Green and blue are - for me cold colors - red is warm and yellow hot - balancing the cold green and blue. So compare the yellow to the red, and which red are you comparing it to?
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Since you are into lumina, I can see why you feel 473nm mixed with 575nm is "super" white and 473nm mixed with 565nm is even more so. I have been noticing for a great many years how our perception of color is influenced by what it is next to. White being made by mixing laser light is particularly subjective. Many colors that appear to be white are anything but. That's is why years ago we used color monitoring equipment to do white balancing as you just can't go by what a person is perceiving as white to actually BE white.
