If every one was going to jump off a cliff would you follow? Just because IDIOTS fly over the 400 ft mark does not mean you should. In your own picture your flying that thing over a populated area. Also against FAA policy. Read the actual law. The only place were its ok and its still against the law is rural areas. All Model aircraft have to follow the same regulations as manned aircraft. They only thing is you can not do it for profit unless your cleared by the FAA. The new rulings on rc aircraft of any type was amended in 2012. I also can guarantee that your with in the 4 mile of a field. Does not matter if it is Civilian or Commercial. Also you stated that you have your friends watching by a set of Bino's also illegal. The rule is the operator has to have line of sight of the aircraft at all times. you can not have other people do it for you. and you can not have any visual aids helping you other than glasses. And for every infraction of that law you can be penalized for! fines are stiff when dealing with that. Read the actual regulations. I did because i have a quad and I want to make sure I am with in the law.