Re: 532nm keychains with star cap - Closed for this time
Hey, I noticed the pointer would dim after a short time, so I tried to see what it was. The pointer itself is perfectly fine, but I am now guessing the IR diode's driver gets hot over time. This is to be expected in a tiny 1 cell green. What is necessary is a proper duty cycle.
You can give the pointer and battery a time to rest, usually 1-5 minutes. The battery does not drain very quickly, but I havent figured out run-times for myself yet. By subjective appearance of the beam the power starts up on high and eventually drops to half, then slowly goes down more. I can do 5x cycles of 10/10 sec on/off before said drop in beam brightness happens. Same thing happens after 9x 5/10 cycles. 5 minutes wait time restores the pointer back after each.