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532nm 500mW laser from lucklaser.com

Lucklaser sells underspec stuff.. but that host you said you want is the Nx-50p I am certain

I ordered the 500mw crown upgrade from O-like and was at first hesistent but I have seen alot of you guys say that they are specced or overspecced so it has made me feel much better about the 230 bucks. I just wish it would get here!
Greens are generally overspec if they're in the 50-100mW or something range. However, hard to get those higher powers out without good crystals and construction, and really good cooling. Plus, a lot of that output is infrared, not green light in those "high power" lasers.

Regardless, it'll probably be a bright as you ever want.
Oops, I have been replying in email and not thinking about it lol sry. The 532 500mW from O-like and the 520nm I got from DTR should show up at the same time. I am not certain how well it will show up in pictures but I was thinking of posting a comparison thread.
we have got a 500mw green laser pointer from LuckLaser.com, it's a true super power laser, fast shipping & batteries include, I am very satisfied.

I have bought a 2w blue laser pointer from another website, after 20 days I got it, Unfortunately there was no battery, I needed to wait extra 15 days to buy two batteries from Amazon.

Video: Super Bright! 1000mw 532nm Green Laser Pointer | ??? 1W ??????????? - YouTube

sorry but unless you have a power meter i dont belive its even close to 500.. they are nothing but a scam as a true 500mw cost quite alot.. sad u fell for it.
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