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4 Watt 40K@8deg RGB System $570..

Jun 20, 2015
I was looking for some reviews of (Polish) OPT Lasers 4 watt RGB module ( https://optlasers.com/rgb-modules/4w-mini-rgb-laser-module-with-75v-psu ) when I came across this unit in a search, which is apparently made by the other (China) OPT Lasers (seriously, is it that hard to find a unique name for a laser company?) via a very positive review by RGB LASER VERKOOP (he's reviewing the 3W version) @

I initially thought the unit was done by the Polish OPT company but when I went searching for the price of that unit it became clear that it was the China OPT company who produces it and the price surprised me, $570

for what appears to be a reasonably high quality unit.

If it lasts even half of it's estimated working lifetime of 8000 hours I'd say it's a hell of a good deal.
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May 14, 2011
Nice find---$570 is very reasnable for that laser show projector.

The names are slightly different----the Polish company is Opt Lasers and the China company is Optlaser.

"Opt Lasers" in Poland designs and make high quality products at reasonable prices---several members have used their Micro RGB module among them ArcticDude who made and excellent exceptional RGB hand held see: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/arctics-open-source-rgb-laser-host.99595/page-18#post-1482455 using one and has posted many photos including it.
Mini RGB is here: https://optlasers.com/rgb-modules/300mw-micro-rgb-laser-module

"Optlaser" in China is a laser show projector with outputs up to a 20W to 30W unit maker and they aslo make RGB/White modules of several different outputs. Their products are OK/medium quality, good for the low price, functionally good enough for use, and sell at much lower prices than best/highest 1st quality European or USA made and government regulator approved projectors. How they hold up over time?--who knows. They have a good web site showing their products withtout prices http://optlaser.com/ and the sell direcctly if contacted and also offer on Alibaba https://optlaser.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.wholesale.cordpanyb.2.50902f45yGODcL
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Apr 2, 2009
WELLL my experience with OPTLaser saleman 'Freeman' who took my money and strung me along until 45 days has passed then stopped replying-tried again a few months alter and again last month.

AND hope you do see this is an 'Alibaba'---and many sellers there play loose & fast with the truth--offering 50K POINTERS..

I am going to contact OPT again today--they should send me a RGB for half price and I will do an accurate and fair review.. so gimmie a few and I will let you all know how it went.
FYI the 'lost' $ was for some yellow and orange mini labbies. was one of the first to pay but Freeman gave me the wrong PPaddy
He kept saying he had binned some and none yet were as good as he wanted to send me... wtf?

already I see something odd--4W or 3W--OKAY they offer both ..messg sent waiting on reply..hak
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May 14, 2011
WELLL my experience with OPT saleman 'Freeman' who took my money and stung me along until 45 n days then stopped replying-tried again a few months alter and again last month.

AND hope you do see this is an 'Alibaba'---and mamny sellers there play loose with the truth--offering 50K POINTERS..

iIam going to contact OPT again today--they should send me a RGB for half price and I will do an accurate and fair review.. so gimmie a few and I will let youi all know how it went.
FYI the 'lost' $ was for some yellow and orange mini labbies.
He kept saying he had binned some and none yet were as good as he wanted to send me... wtf?

already I see something odd--4W or 3W?? is there two or one >\?

Then be sure not to buy their 72W RGB projector for $11,388.24 on Alibaba lol

Not sure if any of their projectors have an FDA Variance ----probably not. Would be needed for anythng other than home use in USA.

Those low cost modules under $50 each were an iffy experimental product and unstable to begin with and a difficult iffy crystal supplier
Would guess you should ask for your money back as the products were abandoned it seems due to production problems with low cost, mass or any production of Opt 575nm lasers due to unstable output caused by what appears to be crystal production problem + lack of availability/possibility to obtain the crystals from the supplier.

Hak Should be easy enough to get you money refunde from Opt China--that sales guy Freeman says :

"To you all who already placed the orders but now want the money back, then please PM me or shoot email. I'll try to ask our accounting to make the refunds step by step. That's a disappointed news, but i'm almost out of patient as you guys. But if you would like to share your kindness yet, then please wait with me and just treat these money as your investment on this development, cuz we have to pay that partner also and they already got our payments. For us, it's been a lose business, we had took such a long time to work with them but got not much returns. I did not mean to ignore all your request that you want your orders to be shipped, but just might have missed some mesages or eamails for some time of frame, cuz i truly received so many requests in the past months. PS: please do not ask the other young cs guys on the OPT sites such as on the Alibaba, they can help nothing either but confused what happened to the lasers we're discussing on the PLF here. " see post here: https://photonlexicon.com/forums/showthread.php/27105-565nm-575nm-yellow-laser

Good luck with the refund request.
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Apr 2, 2009
I asked many times=(at the forum and vis Opt China=going to ask again today.
For a saleman who claims to want happy campers..he sure made me happy...NOT.

I knew of the fails and wrote That I was willing to take the chance --especially when a refund was apparently NOT coming.

Encap lets go havies on that big boy!!

I agree- that price is amazing- will they even go lower??

BRB when I get a reply..


re encap
-offered to settle with only refund more than once-(after 45 days had passed)-glad that not many others got same as me..
hard to still be nice after everything..
my guess about the low prices on rgb pjs ---there is a lot of gear just sitting--FS used but like new --cheap-- so Opt needs to deal with that.

my best-&-stay well



Jan 27, 2008
It would seem that Optlasers in China is having some difficulties now. That was not the case when I purchased five of the 12-watt PD12000-RGB units from "Bill" Freeman back in February of 2019. Admittedly I did end up having a quality issue with one of them (loose screw left inside one of the modules caused some alignment problems that forced me to crack the lid and re-align everything inside), but apart from that the transaction went smoothly and the projectors themselves were otherwise quite reliable.

Note that *none* of their projectors are US-complaint, so legally you need to have your laser product manufacturer's variance before you can import them. Then you're supposed to file form FDA-2877 and explain that you will not introduce them into commerce until you make them compliant under your manufacturer's variance. Fortunately I have had my manufacturer's variance since 2012 and have already filed laser product reports with the FDA to certify my own projectors. Thus, importing these units was not overly concerning for me.

For the average hobbyist, realize that you are taking a risk if you attempt to import these projectors illegally. True, we all know that customs is overworked and lots of non-compliant projectors are illegally imported into the US every day, so the chances of getting caught are low. Just be aware that if your shipment is selected for inspection and you don't have your paperwork in order they're going to send the whole shipment back to China and it will be up to you to negotiate with the seller to get a refund. At a minimum you will probably have to eat the shipping costs both ways. There is also the potential for fines from the customs office, although I don't know of any cases where that has happened for a first-offender. (I do know a few people who have been caught trying to import non-compliant projectors from China without a manufacturer's variance, however, and they all had to eat the shipping fees.)

Back to Optlaser, while I had a fairly good experience when I dealt with them over 18 months ago, it would seem that more recent customers are not enjoying the same level of service. I wonder if part of the trouble stems from the Covid-19 crisis and all the shipping restrictions that are being adopted on goods coming from China? Or it could be that Optlaser is suffering from a decline in orders and they are just getting sloppy. It's really unfortunate, because prior to this I had a fairly good opinion of the company. Their equipment was not state of the art (far from it), but it was more than adequate for the average user and the prices were very attractive. I hope they don't fall into the same trap that Laserworld US did! By the time Laserworld realized all the mistakes they made and hired Francis to try to fix them it was far too late to save their brand, at least here in the US anyway.



May 14, 2011
Don't think Optlaser China is having problem generally speaking---at least I can;t find any evidence of it, if so. Apparently USA is not a market they want to bother with as they do not have an FDA Variance needed for any of their projector products that exceed 5mW in output to enter the USA market or be used in laser shows within the USA.
What Hak is talking about is getting a refund for some $30 single crystal 575nm laser modules. Opt atempted to make a product with the crystals and the program failed due to the crystal manufacturer not being able to supply quality and quantity needed. These were an issue in 2018 when because they did produce a few prototypes like 10 or 20 pieces and caused a buzz about low cost yellow here on LPF.
Looks like the problems could not be resolved and nothing ever since has been produced that has been put on the market
See: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/574nm-36-mw-yellow-laser.102893/

Hak: If the Freeman fellow is still there at Opt--give it another try---give the details of your attempted purchase of a few of those modules and tell him simply you want a refund of the money you sent them for reason of Opt's nonproformance--nothing was ever produced and shipped to you at/from Opt and nothing was received--you want a refund of the money they very clearly owe you---you no longer wish to remain on a waiting list for when, if ever, the product will be produced and delivered---you are tired of waiting. Opt seems to be a real company with 11 years in business and many products. There should be no reason they can not refund your money unless they are bankrupt or outlaw/bandits who steal potential customers money.
Is worth a try.
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Apr 2, 2009
thanks everybody for the suggestions--you rock!

I sent another message..(2-3 weeks ago) no reply.
will send another
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