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FrozenGate by Avery

2X 2,175mW 445nm Lasers + drivers and stuff.

Nov 5, 2007
I have 2 of these amazing lasers for sale.

SOLD Laser #0: 975mW SOLD

SOLD Laser #1: 2,200mW SOLD

SOLD Laser #2: 2,150mW


1.8A Mohgasm: $12
3X 1.2A Mohgasms: $20 for all 3.
SOLD Ben Boost drivers (1X 859mA 1X 487mA & 2X 947mA): SOLD

On with the pics... I think you will like them this time LOL









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:pop::pop::pop::worthy: We will be waiting!

Oh yea nice uhhh.. laser!

The Price of Mercury is $600 for a flask ( flask weighs 76lbs)
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Holy crap! I didn't realize how cheap it was in quantity. Then again it is so heavy that 76 pounds is probably like 2 gallons or less.
I will accept $55 then as I am sure like everything else it is much more expensive in smaller quantities.
hahahaha Yob! You really took it away with this advertising "product placement". I love this.
Yeah it comes out to about .50 cents an oz and what ever you do do not try to ship it as it is classified as hazrdous material. If they find it disposal fees are 8.00 and oz + a hefty fine.
Hmmm, I was under the impression that if you labelled it as hazardous materials you could ship it.
I seriously recommend putting that jar into a secondary THICK WALLED plastic container. Mercury is so dense it can crack the bottom of the glass with ease and then you'll have a hazardous cleanup on your hands.
I have seen flasks have their bottoms drop out due to the weight of the Hg in the container.
This happens during shipping, you'll be paying a HUGE fine if it occurs on a flight. Hg and Al don't mix!
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As long as you label it you can ship it but it costs more and since it is not over 1lb you can ship it ground only. I used to deal with it when I worked in the gold mine, it is found in gold deposits.

Just thought I would give you heads up.
I seriously recommend putting that jar into a secondary THICK WALLED plastic container. Mercury is so dense it can crack the bottom of the glass with ease and then you'll have a hazardous cleanup on your hands.
I have seen flasks have their bottoms drop out due to the weight of the Hg in the container.
This happens during shipping, you'll be paying a HUGE fine if it occurs on a flight. Hg and Al don't mix!

I'm not sure that this is really a concern since it is less than a pound of mercury and they jar is so thick. How does this happn though? It is from a jolt or drop that causes the mercury to push down on the glass like a hammer?
Just noticed I forgot to put the power graphs in the top post. Sorry about that guys. I have added them in. I also took my 18650 IMR off the charger and ran another test and the laser output 2,200mW with the fresh battery so I have relabeled it to reflect the power output with a fresh battery.
