Well, Not that tricky. All I need is a crystal and the diode. I want to try the crystal from my 5mW green just to test it. Then I will get a real crystal for the build. The only really tricky part is to align the crystal with the beam.
There's more to DPSS than a single crystal.
You'll need a ND:YVO4 crystal with one side HR coated for 532nm and 1064nm and AR coated for 808nm This face forms the rear of the optical cavity. The other side will need to be the opposite. AR coated for 532nm and 1064nm, and HR coated for 808nm.
Then you'll need a KTP crystal with both sides AR coated for 532nm and 1064nm.
You'll also need an output coupler to form the front of the cavity. The inner face should be concave if you want any real hope of 'finding the beam' and coated HR for 1064nm and have an OC coating for 532nm, with the outside face AR coated for 532nm.
If you want any real power you need at least one.. probably more, TEC's to keep the various components at their optimum temperatures. Both the pump diode and the ND:YVO4 will want to be cooled, and the KTP likes being warm. The exact temperatures will have to be tuned to your particular crystals though.
Everything in this assembly needs to be precisely aligned as well for peak power output and stability.
Even the cheap green pointers use two crystals and an OC. The crystals are just usually optically bonded together into one chunk.
If you do everything *perfectly*, you can get maybe a little over 30% conversion efficiency. Meaning from your 1W 808nm pump, you'll get a little over 300mW of green.
By all intents try to build a green. I plan to. And I really think everyone should heh. But I'll caution against going into it thinking you can build a 500mW green for $100 and show everybody up. It's just not possible. High power DPSS lasers are expensive for a reason. They're hard to make and keep stable. The cheap 5mW pens are cheap and work because their efficiency is generally sub 10%. Sometimes they use up to 200mW of IR to get 5 - 10mW of green. It's a 'brute force' approach that's just not doable when dealing with higher powers.