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2020 - Best green laser to disperse Canadian Geese in Daytime and Nighttime?


New member
Apr 10, 2020
Hi y'all. Laser newbie here. I need to target and make Canadian geese fly away from the large river I live on. So laser needs to travel very far (approx 300-500feet?). What is best green laser for daylight and nighttime? Also once you recommend laser can you please tell me if I need safety eyewear while using? Thank you!!

At that distance during the daytime your probably looking at a laser that costs over $1,000. If your still interested let me know and I'll get you some suggestions.
Yes, I would still be interested in your suggestions -- thank you!
The best laser to scare away Geese are NONE....
It will not work and there's a chance you may blind them , they will always come back to that spot . Please do not use lasers to intimidate any animal . So save your money and use lasers safely , and this practice of scaring animal is not a good idea. You remember Red & Stinpy .
so leave the animal alone please.

The dazzlers that Brendon posted are fine , there is no solid beam directed at the foul that could injure them.
Good job Brendon...
Thanks so much Brendon and Rich...however I am looking for a more simple (and less expensive) hand held unit for the green laser. Any other suggestions? Must work in daylight...
Or were you recommending the 'handheld dazzlers" on the same JETLASERS website? in which case do you know 1) would they work in daylight 2) how far do they work and 3) any harm to my eyes or the birds with any of these? Do I need to wear glasses when this laser is in use? Thank you, Fran
Hi y'all. Laser newbie here. I need to target and make Canadian geese fly away from the large river I live on. So laser needs to travel very far (approx 300-500feet?). What is best green laser for daylight and nighttime? Also once you recommend laser can you please tell me if I need safety eyewear while using? Thank you!!
Do you own this river?
Do you own this river?

Good question I also thought about that, the river is their domain as if any wild creature. Why do you need to disturb them , please get a hobby and leave them alone. At my other home I had the river about 150FT away and the water foul was a great amusement and never bothered me. in the spring they had offspring I would sit on the grass and the babies would come over and on the grass next to me very relaxing. Please do me a favor DONT buy a laser your not ready for one. leave the animal alone they were here first.
HMMM two threads the SAME- double posts and for sure --no searches made.

easiest to see is 555nm- but you must go with 532nm DPSS.

to harm your eyes you would have to point it at yrself.
any good laser will not be a cheap laser imho

posting some pics of JL bird phazer and dazzler prices start at $6K plus shipping
1 to 5W-- down to 2 choice ATM and only one is in stock right now.

148-home_default  JL BIRD PHAZER  $6k +.jpg380-home_default  JL BIRD.jpg
HMMM two threads the SAME- double posts and for sure --no searches made.

easiest to see is 555nm- but you must go with 532nm DPSS.

to harm your eyes you would have to point it at yrself.
any good laser will not be a cheap laser imho

posting some pics of JL bird phazer and dazzler prices start at $6K plus shipping
1 to 5W-- down to 2 choice ATM and only one is in stock right now.
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thank you—but are there any handheld green lasers that i can use during the day strong enough to go 300 feet across a pond?
forgot-- I think you have two accts and usernames-- no do no do.

there are many handhelds >1W of 532-- or ask one of our builder put a kit together for you--very easy to finish-no soldering or driver setting- no ESD either.
anyway 1W is 1W (basically)
IF you are a good 'thrower' and lucky MYB you could throw a 4$ green pen pointer and hit the bird in the head.

O K I am messing w/ you---sry

I really dont think this will work in your case.
also you want to make VERY sure that doing this NOT illegal.

We have a zero tolerance for anything not legal and/or harming animals.
(especially w/a laser) the ones in the attached pics are only used at airports where the danger of hitting some geese could cause a crash & killing people.

BTW where these birds there before you?

IF these birds are on your property you can make them leave if humanly BUT not from any public land/waters.

A bird dog would be a great way to run geese off.

Do a search here at LPF-- more than you have made same post.

8PAGES of threads and posts---

we have lots to do w/o answering Qs like this one--- please search next time.

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