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2007Revolution's new username

Should I change my LPF username?

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i voted no.....only thing id say yes to is if you did 20xxRevolution and just kept updating the year every year. other than that, no keep it

Keep it, it's the person behind the name that counts, I think most of us go through cycles of thinking about changing our username. One question though, almost every time I see your avatar I'm left thinking...."Why", is there a story or reason behind it?
Keep it, it's the person behind the name that counts, I think most of us go through cycles of thinking about changing our username. One question though, almost every time I see your avatar I'm left thinking...."Why", is there a story or reason behind it?

I just like that movie. :p I think it started out as a joke on the LPF IRC chat channel after finding the video so I made a .gif. :p

It's from this video:

As an evolution to your nickname I'd suggest an elegant change to:


Also, think about how you want to be perceived, as a name is one of the first things people see when they meet you online. I know I look at the poster before the message... everytime. And funny thing is, I read it in the attitude I perceive you to have from past posts.... [cough] some of you sound better than others :p [/cough]

I thought I was the only one who did this. Do you read posts in the voice you imagine that person to have too? This is actually the first time I used this particular handle "Javalin" before this I went by HotRice for years :)

I read that you opted to keep your name at least for now and I agree. You chose your user name for some reason or another (even if it was just because you couldn't come up with a better one) And until you find "The One" then 2007Revolution works perfectly fine.

As mentioned earlier, I too like your avatar, I smile every time I see it.
Yeah, your name is a little... dated... but easy to recognize. I'd say keep it.
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