NASA has known about the existence of Nibiru since the 80s
Ancient cultures talking about this planet inspired NASA to start a search for the so called planet X
Which they found... And it has been between us and the sun for the past 9 years
Don't pay attention to the name of the video... There is no way of telling when Nibiru will finally pass earth..
But the information in this interview is very interesting
Planet Nibiru to pass Earth by August 2013 - YouTube
''If its existence is finally confirmed, its Solar System planet status may not be guaranteed. The reason: Astronomers theorize that Tyche could be a planet born in another star system and captured by ours.''
Nibiru isn't from our solar system indeed and our encestors already knew this
It was a wondering planet with 7 moons that came to close to our sun and got pulled into our solar system by it's gravatational pull
It follows a 20,000 year path straight trough our solar system and doesn't make a circle around the sun like the other planets do
Several billion years ago (about 4-5billion years ago) There was another planet in our solar system named Tiamat
I would advice everyone to watch this presentation by Zecharia Sitchin (who sadly recently passed away) about the Annunaki, Nibiru and Tiamat
Sumerians and the Anunnaki - Presentation By Zecharia Sitchin (FULL) - YouTube
Tiamat was a planet in our solar system which colided with one of the moons of Nibiru when it passed by..
half of what was once Tiamat is now the astroid belt existing whitin our own solar system
The other half got slingshot into our solar system and eventually became planet earth(remove earths seas and you wil see our planet is far from being round)
The moon which caused this also got slingshot away with the other half of Tiamat and it is now the moon we still have
This also explains why our moon isn't round but looks like it has been hit by something massive.
Keep in mind that this is information which comes from our encestors who knew everything about our solar system..
And science/NASA keeps proving that they actually did know everything!
So how could our enbcestors who didn't have our technology know about planets you cannot even see with a telescope?