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FrozenGate by Avery

1W 638 or 2.5W 450??? Need Advice!

Which wavelength should I go with? I have neither as of yet.

  • 638nm at 1W

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • 450nm at 2.5W

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 25, 2010
Hey guys,

I am waiting on a host Sinner is making for me and I am trying to decide which of the above to use. I can either use a Mitsubishi 500mW diode with a 1400mA driver to get 1W 638nm, or I can use a 9mm diode with 2.4A xdrive to get 2.5W 450nm. Which of them should I use??

Some info:

  • I don't have either wavelength currently.
  • The Host will be a copper host anodized white.
  • The battery config will be single 18650 for 638 or 2x 18350 for 450.


Voted 1W of 638nm. I have seen so much of that blue color lately on the forums, I need a change :)
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Vote 450nm

Why only 2.5w?

2.4a with a g-2 lens will get at least 3 watts :thinking:

I hate G-2 Lenses. Unnecessarily ugly beam.

If you where at all concerned about beam quality why would you even consider the mitsubishi 500mw diode?

I voted for 638nm since battery life will be much better with a single 18650 compared to 2x 18350's.
And it is more unique. But if it was me I would just get both :p
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I am considering the mitsu500 because I want a powerful red that is affordable.
I've been wondering if you had decided what to put in your new sinner host,
ever since your poll on the Mits. 638nm's.
As you know, I went with the Mits. I did it for two reasons, 1st because I already own a 445nm, and 2nd, I did not own any reds over 5mW. For me the choice was easy.
Admittedly, the beam/dot specs for the Mits. are terrible, but that beam, outside at night is quite impressive IMHO! :D
Eh, get red, too many blues on the forum. I wish my red was higher power than it is so i could see the beam better....1 watt will doy ou well.
Get the 1W 635nnm :)

As some said ^^ too many blue lasers around here ...

This diode has a bad beam specs ... but the color is awesome.

If you are a wavelength kind of guy .. I would suggest a single mode 100mW+ 635nm instead.

Also , it is much more convenient to run a laser on just 1x18650 instead of two batteries.

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What about those new opnext 638 diodes? they are multi mode and rated at 700mW, so maybe 1W and up is a lot safer with them. might have better beam specs too
Big question is cost. I am trying to not spend too much money. And how difficult would it be to have a beam corrected 638 in handheld?
I am currently in contact with Lazeerer and CDBEAM77 and Ehgemus. If I optically correct the P73, I will need a new host. Not a big deal, but it does mean I would need to figure out what to put in the copper host I have coming from Sinner.

Any thoughts? I thought about a noncorrected 638 to kind of give me a direct comparison but that seems frivolus of me.
Vote 450nm

Why only 2.5w?

2.4a with a g-2 lens will get at least 3 watts :thinking:


But only the very good ones. I´m having here 2 watercooled at 2.3A each with G9 lenses. One is outputting 2.6W and the other one just 2.4W. However the weaker one appears to be a bit brighter. So most likely the one with just 2.4W is 445nm and the other one 450nm.

About non corrected 638. The divergence is horrible when used with G2 or G9 lenses. I would go for a corrected one or at least with a 3-element or acrylic lens, even if there is 30% lost.

There will be not much difference in bightness when just getting 700mW insteed of 1W, but the better divergence is worth it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you may not want to use an acrylic lens with a 1W 638nm, at least not for very long. :D
