Re: 1W 445nm Mohrenberg Hotlights $10 host Total Build Cost $118
Hey Moh
I see Stonetek only has 6 left in stock. Looks like these moved out pretty well. Didn't you start with like a hundred?
Also I am adding the new way I am modding these to fit the 18500.
When you first open the host it has a retainer that helps keep the swich in place. You will need to use a screwdriver to pop it out.
Once you have the retainer out. You can see the pill area and the contact pad.
Bend the tab into an upright position.
With the tab in the upright positon you can now slide the spacer out with ease.
Now that the spacer is out you are left looking at the clicky.
Remove the clicky from the host.
Next get the AAA holder so you can get a spring.
Just grap it with some needle nose pliers and it will come right out.
Next I like to mount the clicky in my helping hands.
Then solder the spring to the contact pad that will connect with the battery in the host.
For an added bonus I take an 8mm super strong rare earth magnet that you can get in packs of 100 from DX and solder it to the top of the spring. The works amazing to pull the batter center when inserting it in the host.
Next I like to increase the size of the pill for working room. So I get the spacer out.
Then I cut it a little shorter.
Now reinsert the clicky in the host with the spring facing the back of the host.
Slide your retainer ring in and add some Krazy Glue to hold the spacer in place since we will not be using the original retainer.
Now since we shortened the pill the contact pad in the pill is a little longer to keep it from touching the side of the host just bend it over with some pliers and you are done.
Now you have a much larger pill and a perfectly centered battery with no magnets attached for spacing that has better pressure on it when the tail cap is tightened down.