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BDR-205-BKS drive --- Pioneer


I'm in the 600 Blu club !! I hit 604 mW at a lousy 490 mA !!! 6.0 Volts...... I held it there for the count -- 10 seconds !!!!!!
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Wait, how many amps does it take to kill a person? 0.06 amps? So we are definitely in the person killing range on the amperage... hahaha
I HAD to get into the 600 mW club -- yes insane. I think my recent 8x would do better. It's giving me 500 mW at ~365 mA.
It doesn't get too warm at that current but it's on for only short periods.

20 mA will kill I believe. Diodes live a different (short) life. :-(


It just held a HALF AMP for over 30 seconds @ 620 mW.
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Saweet!! Are you going to keep it @500mA until it dies?

what are your normal duty cycles for your higher powered Blurays?

Franco will need to expand his graph to plot the 600mw club.
I think my 12x is an 8x :yabbmad:
200 ma - 226 mW
300 ma - 365
400 ma - 500
460 ma - 560
I'm not too impressed with this diode.
My power increase per mA ranges from 1.7 to 0.7 -- I'm seeing a knee at 460 mA.

That DOES appear to be very low efficiency. :thinking:

This may be the first mention of a real knee with these diodes.

I didn't even run this one up. I just set the driver for 425mA and hooked up the diode.

What are you going to leave it run at?

I'll likely set it at 490 mA until this POS goes COP. Heat doesn't seem a problem with this in the Kryton head. If the Lavadrive pushes 500 -- I may leave it there.
For 200 Bucks, I may as well have a brief bit of fun.


Also, this is with the Jayrob G-1 lens.
The knee is a slight burble -- as I go to 500 mA, it makes the line straight again.
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Hmmm... keep us posted Mike!

Especially because it's interesting that a FlexDrive can handle that much current with that kind of forward voltage.

I would venture a guess that your build has 2 X 3 volt batteries with a silicon diode?

Or is it a single 18650?

This is interesting...
I'll likely set it at 490 mA until this POS goes COP. Heat doesn't seem a problem with this in the Kryton head. If the Lavadrive pushes 500 -- I may leave it there.
For 200 Bucks, I may as well have a brief bit of fun.
Also, this is with the Jayrob G-1 lens.
The knee is a slight burble -- as I go to 500 mA, it makes the line straight again.

Hmmm... keep us posted Mike!

Especially because it's interesting that a FlexDrive can handle that much current with that kind of forward voltage.
I would venture a guess that your build has 2 X 3 volt batteries with a silicon diode?
Or is it a single 18650?
This is interesting...

I wonder if this is a problem for your diode, Mike. My first 8X drew more voltage than normal. When I spoke to drlava, he said that the flexdrive could NOT handle 400mA @ 6V. If your diode is pulling excess voltage, the flexdrive simply may not be giving it what it needs. Do you have another way to drive the diode?

Dave is probably right Mike...

If you had a driver that can handle 400mA's at 6 volts, your diode will probably be putting out more.

Hmmm... but your numbers didn't look all that impressive at 300mA's either?? :thinking:
Dave is probably right Mike...

If you had a driver that can handle 400mA's at 6 volts, your diode will probably be putting out more.

Hmmm... but your numbers didn't look all that impressive at 300mA's either?? :thinking:

Drlava expressed concern at 300mA, but subsequent diodes did not pull the higher voltage of my first so we have accepted <300mA from them. However, if Mike's diode is pulling 6V it could still be a problem.

Someone used the word insane tonight. That best describes this night. :confused:

I adjusted my lavadrive4 to minimum then set it for high range. Connected it to the diode, set the PS to 5.5 volts and set my current to 500 mA getting ~620 mW. So far so good. I then soldered everything together including 2 1N4001 voltage droping diodes and assembled it. Insert 2 CR123 LiIon 3.6 volt cells and I'm ready to burn.
I pointed it at the power meter and read 1.04 WATTS. OOPS -- whats that? I pointed it at my hand and immediate sizzeling bacon sound. The meter again read 1.04 Watts but there's some overshoot in these meters when hammered. Duh -- something is wrong -- N.S. :(

I pulled it apart and one of the hot limiting diodes fell out. Another OOPS. Too much current. I set the power supply to 3.7 volts, eliminated the diodes and made a dummy cell so it can run on a single 14500.
I adjusted for 500 mA and now I read 620 mW but so far, I only run it for ~10 seconds at a time.

Insane? 1 Watt? Yes. And the diode lives..........

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the diode shot out 1 W of 405nm @ what amperage?

Mike when you said N.S. what does that mean? how long did you meter it for?

That is insane!!! sounds like a real murder at this point.

But it gives me great hope for a 1W 405nm laser pointer in the near future :)

But the next question is , when will dr lava or someone come up with a driver able to push a diode to 1W reliably?

im sorry but im blown away with the promise of a 1W 405nm single mode monster. Geez!!
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N.S. = NO $h1T !!!!

I have no idea what the current was at 1 W. It was inside the Kryton housing. I'm surprised the Lavadrive still works and adjusts. It got the limiting diodes HOT fast.

This diode may not last long but I'm having fun with it. I just lit a wad of steel wool in an instant from 18 focused inches!

