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FrozenGate by Avery

120mw vs 150mw

May 18, 2015
I was debating whether or not to buy an optotronics laser, when I realized, I can always make money, but optotronics might not be around forever. I want to know what the difference between the premium 150mw laser is vs the premium 120mw laser. I want the premium 150mw laser but I will only have 16 dollars left if I buy that, and if I get the 120mw laser, I will have 46 dollars left. What one would you guys buy? The 150mw laser or the 129mw laser. Thanks ;):D:wave:

It really depends on which one you think you will like best, 30mW more of 532 won't look that bright and the burning power between 120mW & 150mW is small, 150mW being able to burn a little quicker(obviously). If you get the 120mW version, you should have enough to get safety glasses which is recommended to own at those power levels :)

532? where did he write that?

the 30 mW diff is not noticable by eye and although I dont burn i doubt they would be any diff there either..

want to hear about his eye wear too - cant get very good for 46$ but good enough..
532? where did he write that?

the 30 mW diff is not noticable by eye and although I dont burn i doubt they would be any diff there either..

want to hear about his eye wear too - cant get very good for 46$ but good enough..

Optotronics only has 532 pointers listed as "premium 120mW-150mW laser" :)

Those are expensive pen type 532nm lasers, at the bottom of this page:
Alex is an expert on expensive pen sized lasers. I myself wouldn't spend that much on that type of laser, I would want something larger for that price, but maybe they are very high quality. I don't really know about Optotronics and the quality of their products so I won't say any more.

okey doky-he does know his spendy pointers ...fwiw
I have just one - and it was a door prize- i would never pay $140 for a 4.99 mW 532 professional pointer- door prize however i will take- I use it to check my LPMs at low power.
It really depends on which one you think you will like best, 30mW more of 532 won't look that bright and the burning power between 120mW & 150mW is small, 150mW being able to burn a little quicker(obviously). If you get the 120mW version, you should have enough to get safety glasses which is recommended to own at those power levels :)


Do you think I should spend most of my money in the start and not worry about buying another green laser? Thanks! :)
Do you think I should spend most of my money in the start and not worry about buying another green laser? Thanks! :)

Thanks guys haha ;)

It's really up to you. If you personally feel you won't be buying another green(532) laser for awhile then go ahead and buy a high quality one, even if the price is steep. If you don't think you'll get much use out of it, or will probably get more 532 lasers then it might be a smarter option to get another laser which won't be on the same level of quality as these top companies(still we be a high enough quality), but will be cheaper & work when you need it(I.e laserbtb) :)

IF you already have glasses it seems to me you answered your own question (can always make more money);)
Now personally those look just like the $5 ones I've purchased over and over or stuck over-spec $5-6 Fasttech modules in and I'm sure I have more than 10 between those power ranges. If I was going to spend that kind of $ on a pen laser it had better not look like all the ones on Ebay. Laserbtb has pens that look much classier than those and cost way less. I've got at least 2 of the lp-150 that are overspec and put out over 200mW running on a single 10440.
I also doubt that this purchase would end up being your only 532nm. Before you know it you've fallen down the rabbit hole and won't even be looking for a way out:)
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IF you already have glasses it seems to me you answered your own question (can always make more money);)
Now personally those look just like the $5 ones I've purchased over and over or stuck over-spec $5-6 Fasttech modules in and I'm sure I have more than 10 between those power ranges. If I was going to spend that kind of $ on a pen laser it had better not look like all the ones on Ebay. Laserbtb has pens that look much classier than those and cost way less. I've got at least 2 of the lp-150 that are overspec and put out over 200mW running on a single 10440.
I also doubt that this purchase would end up being your only 532nm. Before you know it you've fallen down the rabbit hole and won't even be looking for a way out:)

Yeah but it's on the inside that counts right. ;)
Anyway arent the opto lasers some of the highest quality lasers? Thanks!
