I Do own a DIY 1W+ 650nm Laser. Though the diode alone costs as much as what they're asking for the entire laser they are selling.
Beam specs are Square and it diverges pretty fast.
Here is a Picture WITH FOG Comparing a 400mW single mode 660nm build next to my DIY 1W+ 650nm build:
I Modded it into a PGL-C Host that i got from Someone On Here that I polished Up.
Its the real 2 C cell one Not the 3C that takes an 18650.
The Best way i can Explain the divergence of it Picture a 635nm 300mW or 500mW MITSUBISHI diode's divergence between a Aixiz Lens and a G1 lens and Make the Beam Square. Thats how bad it is. Its bad but not that bad since its square due to the FAC and the Correction optics.
If you dont plain on using Correction optics forget it and If the 650nm 1W diode does not have a FAC Forget it. Its going to be 10x worse.
If it has a FAC and you add Correction optics you can Expect exactly what you see in my picture above since that is what mine is.
I Also Have a DIY 750mW one aswell. But its getting Rebuilt at the momment.:wave: I have not had the time to post the build threads yet.
However I dont see it Happening in that laser host. Its probably IR.