There's nothing negative about warning of the dangers of a pulsed laser.
This was billed originally in the post as a toy. A toy it certainly is not.
Questions such as the one above, is this the same as my 200mw cw laser over 1.5 secs just go to show the lack of appreciation of just how dangerous a device this.
A similar CW laser would be probably in the HUNDREDS OF WATTS range to achieve similar power to this.
The fact that the pulse from this device only lasts a few milli seconds does nothing to diminish the danger of it. You wouldn't risk looking into or catching a reflection from a 100 WATT CW laser would you even though exposure would only last milliseconds yet some people seem to think that because this laser outputs only for a few milliseconds it is in someway safe.
The very way it burns through quite thick plastic instantly is an indicator of exactly what it would do to the back of your eye in the same time duration. You're looking at total blindness, maybe even death depending on if it goes all the way through and what it hits behind.
Make no mistake, even if you don't point it at yourself, there's a very real risk of back reflections from any even slightly shiny surface such as a polished table, nevermind a mirror or metal, and with these powers, even a very partial back reflection is likely to be enough to cause instant blindess.
No amount of laser google that are readily available for use with ordianry pointers or projectors will protect your eyes from a pulse of this magnitude. Skin exposure will result in vapourisation and a quite severe burn.
What is on PL is not a witch hunt but a warning for someone who is obviously very tallented when it comes to building but who doesn't appear to have a real appreciation of the danger of what he so cleverly created.