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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. C

    Parum Pum

    Dave: Saviour of all those oppressed by Trolls and I take the bit about WL to mean that they aren't an overpriced, under-delivering, fascist-run joke anymore? dude, I thought Sawt died or summat, glad to know he's around... and it's about time Things got promoted. xD This 445nm stuff is...
  2. C

    Parum Pum

    Hola, kiddies. I'm back from...whatever hiatus I was on. I saw there were some things people wanted added/changed on my dusty old FAQ thread, so if there's still any desire for that to be updated, shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to make it happen. Needs a revision anyhow. What's the latest...
  3. C

    Are you laser illiterate?

    touché, sir.
  4. C

    A million dollar idea

    ooh, get a provisional patent? That's a neat idea, despite the fact that it'd be less than ideal in the daytime... so combine that with a 12 Gauge with a Taser Xrep and some law enforcement buckshot... and you've got a winner. xD That really is a neat idea, though.
  5. C

    LC unbanned?

    I REMEMBER!!! rofl. those were the days... I definitely don't care to remember when I was banned. Or how many times. Suffice to say it was a long while ago, and a lot of times...
  6. C

    I found this interesting 3w handheld...

    I guess I'm thinking a typical CR123A-type battery... it's entirely possible, but I really don't see it happening. And holy crap. I did not see the wavelength... :-[ Wow I feel stupid.
  7. C

    I found this interesting 3w handheld...

    Fail. No way in hell you're gonna get 3000mA out of a 3.6v battery... and no way you're gonna get 3000mWs out of a handheld powered by one of those... I could go on and on. General rule of thumb: If it sounds too good to be true, it is. This is a scam.
  8. C


    Really? I've been around here longer than just about everyone, and even I was a n00b once. What does that matter? You start learning about the hobby by asking stupid questions. It's how I did it, it's how most of us did it, and it's worked pretty well so far. Thanks for the tips, guys... a...
  9. C


    40,000+ views in a year is supposed to be indicative of people reading it, lol. I mean, I don't really care too much, but I spent a lot of time on it. xD I meant it to have more benefit and impact than a few +Rep's...
  10. C


    BUMP. You're supposed to reply to this. Don't piss me off, I've got tenure. <.<
  11. C


    I made some minor revisions. And apparently there's still not enough info in it, because we still get hundreds of n00b questions. So make suggestions here of additional topics, and I'll either make a poll or just pick a few. and also. FREAKING READ IT. I put effort into that, I'd appreciate...
  12. C

    make a 3w mini maglight sp2309hj into a laser?

    1: Nick-I think he was referring to the power of the bulb in the flashlight, not the target power for his build. 2: MiniMag's don't have ANY internal regulation... it's just batteries hooked up to a bulb. 3: Yes, you CAN do this... It might be a pretty tight fit once you get a driver board in...
  13. C

    Fluorescence! (or maybe not. Cool pictures anyhow)

    Re: Fluorescence! (or maybe not. Cool pictures any yep, that is indeed fluorescence. ...and a whole freaking lot of highlighter ink.
  14. C


    Howdy folks. I haven't posted in forever...decided to remedy that. I got a new Walther P22, and I decided to hack the undermount laser sight to hold a green module instead of the piddly 0.5mw red diode... I have a 100mW CNI and a 5mW Lyra that I'm willing to sacrifice. I'm desperately trying...
  15. C

    Satriani Vs. Coldplay

    It's really been overinflated. Sure, it sounds similar, but both songs are completely different... As jerry said, it's only 3 notes. That shouldn't be enough to freak out over. Satch = win.
  16. C

    Post your PC setup .

    Upgraded! EVGA 750i FTW Edition mobo, got another 8800 for SLi, and an Acer x193w monitor. Moving everything to an Anted Nine Hundred.
  17. C

    Polyphasic Sleep

    That's awesome... I would love to try it, but sadly school and work would both intrude on this. Maybe over the summer... :D I never would've thought that you could get by with that little sleep, I mean... that's pretty intense. I'd love having the extra hourage during the week.
  18. C

    Whats the worst you have ever been shocked?

    Re: Whats the worst you have evr been shocked My worst is the same as yours - only 450v. Everything else was basically the same... except my fingers ached for a few days afterwards. I never knew flash caps could be so nasty... :P
  19. C

    Where are you from?

    Just south of Atlanta, GA. Yaaay, ghetto. :P
  20. C

    Diodes from 803T sleds $15

    No no... if it's one you saved for yourself, don't give it to me. I think I have a few more sleds lined up anyhow.
