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make a 3w mini maglight sp2309hj into a laser?

Feb 7, 2009
make a 3w mini maglight sp2309hj into a laser?
    hi i recently purchased a 3 watt mini maglight with hopes of turning it into a laser. it holds 3aa batteries which i figured would give me some flexability if not to increase the voltage by a whole estra battery then to increase the length of time in between changing batteries/charging them. is there any way i could use the built in driver for this or would that be far too much power for most diodes? if it is too much then where could i find a diode which could handle this? (i know it would be expensive but i would really love to have an extremely powerful handheld sometime down the road once i know what i am doing with lasers enough to pull it off) also would i be able to dissipate heat away from something that powerful quick enough to have any sort of extended use? and if it is just not possible to use the built in driver could someone inform me on their opinion as to what would be the best thing to do with this host please? any help would be very much appreciated.

i also have a smaller mini maglight which runs on 2 aa batteries. it is model number m2ao3n could i maybe use the built in driver for this one?

i have also purchased a bunch of ultrafire 3.7v rechargeable protected lithium ion batteries. they looked to be the same size as aa's but i have not received them yet so i am unsure of their exact size

the parts i will soon have to work with (i ordered them on friday feb 6) will be 5 axiz modules, 5 rckstr surface mount full range driver boards, an ir diode which says it is 200mw and 808nm (which i plan on putting into my green laser along with one of the boards as the driver and diode are broken), 2 blu-ray diodes which are PHR-803T, and one 22x sony dvd burner model 7221a, a dorcy jr and corresponding heat sink.

1: Nick-I think he was referring to the power of the bulb in the flashlight, not the target power for his build.

2: MiniMag's don't have ANY internal regulation... it's just batteries hooked up to a bulb.

3: Yes, you CAN do this... It might be a pretty tight fit once you get a driver board in there, but it's certainly doable. Maybe take the 3xAA light, use 2 AA's and use the extra space for a board. should work, in theory...if you're building a red laser. A blu-ray takes more than 3V.

Look around for links/GBs for drivers... I don't have my list of links handy, lol. You should be able to find what you need pretty quickly.
Chad said:
1: Nick-I think he was referring to the power of the bulb in the flashlight, not the target power for his build.

2: MiniMag's don't have ANY internal regulation... it's just batteries hooked up to a bulb.

3: Yes, you CAN do this... It might be a pretty tight fit once you get a driver board in there, but it's certainly doable. Maybe take the 3xAA light, use 2 AA's and use the extra space for a board. should work, in theory...if you're building a red laser. A blu-ray takes more than 3V.

Look around for links/GBs for drivers... I don't have my list of links handy, lol. You should be able to find what you need pretty quickly.

you are correct thank you. how about using the three aa model for the blu-ray and putting 2 of the 3.7v batteries in there to get 7.4v. i already purchased 5 rckstr full range surface drivers so i would like to try and use those.

also, would it be at all possible to make a hand held pulsing laser by throwing some sort of a current booster button on there? just an idea, thought of it while looking at the max powers of the diodes i bought.
