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FrozenGate by Avery

Parum Pum


Jan 20, 2008
Hola, kiddies. I'm back from...whatever hiatus I was on.

I saw there were some things people wanted added/changed on my dusty old FAQ thread, so if there's still any desire for that to be updated, shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to make it happen. Needs a revision anyhow.

What's the latest news in the land of optical physics? has Timelord shown his skanky old mug since I left? xD

445nm is the biggest thing currently, along with WL's new line/pricing, Timelord's not around here (Look over at LE). SenKat and Igor are less active nowadays for health reasons, and FrothyChimp left because of childish fighting. GooeyGus hasn't been around recently either, as far as I know.
If you want to know what's new, I'd say start by checking out the 445nm section. :)

445nm! I came back from a break like the day after is was "discovered'" by the forum, it's a huge deal! >2 watt 5.6mm diodes in a new color.
So did daguin.


Also, more moderators:

2007Revolution (Sawt Al from old forum)
Rob (phoenix - donations section only?)

Ranged's joke being that one new guy posted claiming that, after becoming a mod, that Dave had changed. The newb was promptly destroyed by public vote which revealed that in fact, Dave had not changed, and aforementioned newb was shortly after banned.
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Dave: Saviour of all those oppressed by Trolls

and I take the bit about WL to mean that they aren't an overpriced, under-delivering, fascist-run joke anymore?

dude, I thought Sawt died or summat, glad to know he's around... and it's about time Things got promoted. xD

This 445nm stuff is crazy. I need me some of that action...
Some of the changes are; many more new members have come here and some have been great contributors to the knowledge base. While at the same time, many more are eagerly pursuing the laser passion without a clue. But learning is a good thing. ;-) And as was mentioned earlier..........Time to make a labby and torture a 445nm LD
Also, the beam divergence could be tamed a little with 445nm, some experiments with optics for fast and slow axis are needed.
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and I take the bit about WL to mean that they aren't an overpriced, under-delivering, fascist-run joke anymore?

I wouldn't go so far as to say that they've changed - that topic is still hotly under debate. What we can say, is that their lasers (the new series) are now performing up-to-spec and are of a decent quality. They also had a re-structure and changed prices.

Unfortunately, they still have some unanswered questions, mostly about the new 1W 445nm - it's presumed that they sold it as "in stock" but really had none whatsoever (only photoshopped images and speculation about specs), and used the mass of orders that they got by hyping it as (essentially) a death-ray to actually fund their R/D and construction of it.
and I take the bit about WL to mean that they aren't an overpriced, under-delivering, fascist-run joke anymore?
sadly, they got better for a while but they're starting to become real iffy again.... lots of lies and deception.
