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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. SenKat_Stonetek

    CASH Crisis sale !

    For the next 24 hours (or until they are sold out...) I am selling 445nm (one-four-zero) type diodes for $40.00 each ! If you buy 6 or more, I will mark them down further, to $38.00 each ! My loss is your gain - just have something important to do with the funds, and this should help out some...
  2. SenKat_Stonetek

    New STUFFS at StoneTek !

    Hey all - new items at StoneTek now - 24 gauge silicone insulated wire Red&Black, or Blue&White for color choices Red & Black colored 3/32" Heat-Shrink Tubing LensPens ! The BEST way to clean your laser lenses !! Lenspen CellKlear Lenspen MicroPro NOT "new" but a decent price on 445nm...
  3. SenKat_Stonetek

    LensPens have arrived at StoneTek !

    Hello all - just a short note to let you all know that we have acquired a small sampling of LensPens for sale - come on by and check them out ! LensPens at StoneTek ! We are an authorized reseller of Lenspen products from Parkside Optical in Canada - www.lenspen.com
  4. SenKat_Stonetek

    24 gauge silcon insulated wire ! (crazy low priced !)

    Okay folks - I want you to feast your eyes on this deal on 24 gauge silicon insulated wire - DEAL The pricing breaks down to 27.5 cents per foot ! I've already sold 80 feet of it - if you want to buy a LARGE amount - email me first, I'll work out a discount if possible ! I'm cutting corners...
  5. SenKat_Stonetek

    Nichia 445nm Diodes From A-140 Projectors - LOTS in Stock !

    $$ 45.99 each, for single diodes - shipped worldwide with tracking at no extra charge $$ 44.00 ** each, when you buy two or more on the same order ** At checkout, you are charged the "Single Diode" rate, and $1.99 per diode is refunded when your order is processed. Please feel free to email...
  6. SenKat_Stonetek

    Sorry - will try again later. (delete me !)

    Post deleted due to tech issues....
  7. SenKat_Stonetek

    Nichia A-140 4 for $37.74 EACH !

    Check out the sales page - email me with questions about the sale, if something is not clear in the description - thanks ! MErry Christmas everyone !
  8. SenKat_Stonetek

    Early Christmas, WOOT !

    New soldering station for SenKat ! Woooo-hoooo ! Just thought I would share :) Dang - forgot to say, new tip tinner/cleaner, and new flux jug, too ! YEAH BABY !
  9. SenKat_Stonetek

    New pricing at StoneTek !

    Just wanted to get in one holliday plug for the shop ! All diodes in stock and shipping, as well as pretty decent discounts on most items - also, all through this month, there are unancouned specials - how do you get an unanouced special ? Uh - they are not announced, it just happens ...
  10. SenKat_Stonetek

    Nova X-series > 150mw

    If you are in the market for an X-series Nova pen that is greater than 150mw for a reasonable charge, drop me an email at : sales@stonetek.org Selling off a few of my toys ! Thanks
  11. SenKat_Stonetek

    Batteries+ gets an A ++++ in my book !

    Well, for those that have a Batteries + retail store nearby - I suggest giving them a visit ! I bought 10 AAA NiMh batteries with solder tabs, so I could replace the batteries in all my house phones - Total cost, LESS than ONE retail battery pack for replacement ! WOOO-HOOO ! Batteries were...
  12. SenKat_Stonetek

    445nm for those interested

    (all from A-140 projectors) Selling for $47.99, and if a second (or more) 445nm diode is bought at the same time, they are only $45.00 each additional. Here is how it works : You buy two of the 445nm diodes, you pay 2 X $47.99. When the order is processed prior to shipping, I manually refund...
  13. SenKat_Stonetek

    Donation request for NJROTC program !

    Greetings all ! First and foremost, Avery gave his blessing on this thread....and with that out of the way, here is the meat of the request ! My daughter's senior year in high school is looking pretty fantastic - the only thing holding her back from 100% good times (other than ME) is that her...
  14. SenKat_Stonetek

    Damned nice sale at StoneTek !

    From now until the end of the month, for every $50.00 increment that you spend - you get $25.00 worth of items FREE ! Here is how this works : You spend $50.00 or more, and in the order "DETAILS" section, list the free items you would like to receive with that order. THAT EASY ! Don't worry...
  15. SenKat_Stonetek

    I had NO idea whewre to place this drivel !

    Okay - I saw this..don't ask me HOW I ran across it - I really don't know...but DAMN...some folks will buy or sell ANYTHING on Fleabay ! WOW ! 75 Diode Professional Hair Laser Crown, Fast Results. - eBay (item 180400481110 end time Apr-22-10 07:32:37 PDT)
  16. SenKat_Stonetek

    Buy two, get one free - any diode/sled combo but the 100 pack !

    Held over for this month is my insane buy TWO diodes/sleds and receive an identical third diode/sled for FREE - no need to add anything beyond the two diodes/sleds to your cart, no need to send reminder emails, just buy two, and you will receive three automatically! You can buy two FIVE packs...
  17. SenKat_Stonetek

    Get Paid To Shop At StoneTek ! Second verse, same as the first (almost) !!!

    Back by Extremely Popular Demand !!!! This is the FINAL weekend - my co-host can't handle all the excitment :) (Last Chance, Honestly, Truly !) Spend $40.00 or more on an order (You will receive one entry per $40.00 spent, or THREE entries for $100.00 spent ! WOW !) And Be Entered Into a...
  18. SenKat_Stonetek

    Diode/ Sled sale ! Buy two, get third free !

    Okay folks, I LIED ! I said the sale would end with March.... so sue me ! The sale WILL definitely end at April 15th, at midnight - I figured I would celebrate April fool's day, Easter, my birthday (the 5th - and I will be OLD hehehehe), Tax day, April Twentieth Day (uh....think hard, peeps...
  19. SenKat_Stonetek

    Get Paid To Shop At StoneTek ! *see post for details !

  20. SenKat_Stonetek

    Robert gionis !

    This "customer" tests LPC-815 diodes with two AA batteries and alligator clips (rolls eyes), then has the gall to ask for a refund. I'll bet he still uses the big crayons, instead of the ones for non-toddlers, too ! When I explained what he did wrong, he started trying to bad-mouth my...
