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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Fiddy

    Garage door motor unit courtesy light upgrade

    Good Hello, So i just moved into a new house and i have this courtesy light on my garage door motor. The hole unit runs off 24VDC and so does the courtesy light, the factory fitted incandescent was 15W so im going to stick to that power. here are 2 photos of the unit: Now the current off...
  2. Fiddy

    Single Pulse Driver Circuit

    Good Hello, I recently acquired some 1:1 replica assualt rifle guns that are plastic and have switches and lights and what not. I plan to fit a high power blue laser in the barrel and when i press the trigger it gives a short pulse to a buck driver then turns off. I was thinking i could do...
  3. Fiddy

    Opening my garage over WIFI from my smart phone!

    G'day, Thought id share this cool little device i bought a while ago from kickstarter. Its called Fargo from LinorTek, its a relay board with 8x relays that has a built in web-server that you can log into and control the relays. Ive got it hooked up to my garage door motor unit, so when i...
  4. Fiddy

    Nano SSTC!

    Hey Guise, Heres a SSTC i bought off eBay a while ago, It runs off 24VDC from a 5A wall supply. It has a pot on the front to control the PRF only. It came with a smaller toroid, about 4" diameter and it didn't look real nice, ive installed a 6" spun toroid since and a break out spike...
  5. Fiddy

    Help with work with transistors as a switch.

    G'day, So i bought one of these dummy cameras that pan when they sense motion. What i want to happen is: Once motion is detected, the pan motor turns on and starts panning the camera, at the same time i want a 445nm laser with a vertical line generator lens to 'scan' the room, the camera...
  6. Fiddy

    Fargo - Ethernet Input/ Relay Output Controller

    G'day Blokes, Ive backed a few projects on kickstarter and come across this one: Fargo: Control Electrical Devices Over the Internet by Linor Technology Inc. Gary S. Nalven ? Kickstarter its a controller over Ethernet that you can log into from anywhere with a internet connection and...
  7. Fiddy

    Onetesla - Musical DRSSTC!

    G'day, Guess what i got in the mail yesterday! You guessed it, the DRSSTC from Onetesla :D Now i backed this project on kickstarter sometime ago and only just got the kit as i was in on the first round. here a photo of the kit: After going through the kit i found im missing 2x rectifier...
  8. Fiddy

    SOLD Dongrui DR 923 Host Custom heatsink & Focus Adapter!

    G'day, Made a custom heatsink and focus adapter for his host a while ago and forgot all about it, so i decided to sell. The host takes 1x 18650 cell or 2x 16340 cells. Golden/brown anodized aluminum. Assault crown (would look sexy if polished) GITD tail cap. Accepts 17mm driver board, lots of...
  9. Fiddy

    405nm BDR-S06J Arctic Spyder Build!

    G'day, So i have a few arctics, so i decided to make a 405nm version :D I bought a dead arctic host from a forum member a while ago, gutted it, changed the indicator led's to UV ones, i dont think they are exactly 405nm but close. Installed a flexdrive set at 400mA with a copper heatsink...
  10. Fiddy

    Cathode Corner Nixie Watch

    G'day, A while ago i bought a nixie watch from Cathode Corner id like to share with you guys. Its a bit larger in diameter and height than my Kopriso nixie watch It has a tilt sensor which tills the tubes when to display the time. It doesn't have backlight LED's like Kopriso nixie watch. I...
  11. Fiddy

    FS: Polished Aluminium & Titanium Focus Adapters!

    G'day, Made some more focus adapters, these titanium adapters are something Ive never done before boy they come out nice, they are hard to scratch, retain there polish and have a certain weight and strength that blows aluminum away! Prices below each photo. 1. Titanium Stepped & Tapered -...
  12. Fiddy

    FS: 8x Hosts with Heatsinks

    G'day, Going through some inventory and have a few hosts sitting around id like to sell. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UniqueFire U2-S3 Custom aluminum heatsink Custom Smooth and ribbed aluminum...
  13. Fiddy

    SOLD!!! FS: Saik SA305 Copper Mine! with dual Heatsnk MicroBoosts.

    SOLD! G'day, I bought this last year from Flaminpyro and sadly it hasn't moved in my project shop, so i have decided to sell it :( Jeff put lots of effort in to this host, Its a Saik SA-305 host, suits a 32600 lithium cell. Features: Huge custom copper heatsink weighs a staggering 370...
  14. Fiddy

    FS: Polished Aluminium/Brass/Copper/Titanium Focus Adapters!

    G'day, Been making a few focus adapters on the lathe at work lately :D Prices below each photo. 1. Aluminum Tapered - 49mm x 36mm, Has a 9mm deep x 32mm diameter step below the taper to sit over the bezel of 2D maglites. $20AUD - AVAILABLE 2. Aluminum Short Taper - 40mm x 8.5mm, designed to...
  15. Fiddy

    How to tear down the arctic Host

    G'day, So im building a few wavelengths out of the Arctic Spider host from Wicked lasers, Ive already done a 635nm and have a 445nm doing 1.25W so now im going to do a 405nm ad 532nm, so i thought id show how i tear them down to modify! Here's a nice arctic host with a driver, smart switch and...
  16. Fiddy

    FEELER: Plasma Speaker Kits

    G'day, I know there are a few Tesla coiliers on this forum and guys who like to play with high voltage and gadgets and ive been doing lots of tesla coil stuff so ive decided to make and sell plasma speaker kits. What is a plasma speaker you say? A plasma speaker takes a audio signal from a...
  17. Fiddy

    Eagle PCB design software help!

    G'day, A question for someone in the know, Im making my first PCB and im pretty much done but ive found what i think is a problem. ive got a big polygon on each side of the board (GND is top ,12V+ is bottom) and when i connect pins to the polygon i get this cross-hair looking connection to...
  18. Fiddy


  19. Fiddy

    Nixie Watch!

    G'day, So being a nixie fan i look for cool nixie units that are available, so when i was surfing the net, i found a guy in Australia who designs and makes nixie watch's from scratch! Now there is also another mob who sell them on Cathode Corner or CC for short, but they don't have as much...
  20. Fiddy

    515nm 200mW lab laser

    Hey, Found this on eBay: Kvant Lasermodul GLM-200DM 200mW 515nm "Diodengrün" Laser Modul Diode | eBay Lil bit expensive, i wonder if there's one diode or possibly more inside, i was thinking maybe there is 4 or so because the most powerful 515nm diode if heard of was only 50mW? What do you...
