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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • yobresal, i was thinking about getting that exact tattoo, then i saw you avatar. still probablt gonna get it. i was wondering how big yours was and how much it cost.
    Hey yobresal, did you get that 12X in yet? UPS said it should have been there by the end of the day yesterday.
    Hello yobresal. I think I might just grab one of those awesome looking builds. Shoot me a PayPal name and I will do a direct transfer. The 595mw one would be nice. Bryan
    hey saw your ad for the bulk 405nm lot.
    is it still for sale?
    if not do you have others?
    im looking to sell these locally.
    Hey I just received my batteries today from my o-like laser is that common to get the batteries first? or do you think it got taken?
    i was wondering about the shipping of lasers cause i just bought a laser from o-like and I had them ship the batteries and charger separate do you think i have a large chance of it getting confiscated? thanks
    HeyLuke- howzit?? Do you have those batteries with you?(' 7 RCR123A BATTERIES I don't need and 2 14500')if so-or if not but can send later-how much do I need to PP for them including green laser goggles if you have not sold them. I can PP as personal so you will not have any PP fees from your end. No rush needed---best wishes=len
    Thanks Luke- I will be home by tue.- hold all 9 batts for me.Eager to get back and check out the mirror and dichro from you!! BTW- finally broke down and getting a kenometer lite- then guess what- Chuck at AixiZ in response to my questions about his Sper pocket LPM has offered to send me one to review so going from no for real meter( have a useless sensor fom Jerry+ an IR thermometer ) to two at same time--more to review!!! regards and thanks from Len=====WAHOO!!!
    Luke- what batteries do you have to sel l or recommend if any?-working on 12 builds-- hosts use three AAAs(huskey)or whatever fits. 5 phr modules from Moh, three True DX 5mW upmodded and the rest Reds loc or whatever. are enloop good? also I may see about a wholesale buy on those Nebo hosts that take 1 AA- might be able to get them for $10 shipped. seller is near here. would you want any??--hak(Len)
    Good Ole Dave to the rescue- he +repped you back for me- cOLD will remove soon- s'all good!
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