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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • Sorry, but I have a lot of people asking me about these lasers so if you want one for lower than my asking price you need to wait a couple days. There is no reason for me to rush into selling one to you for $150. If someone else wants it at full price then I am going to offer it to them. It is not bad business. I have been very cooperative with you and complied with all of your requests. Including emailing you photos and agreeing to give you a discount. I do not appreciate your hostility. If you want to get the discount then you will have to wait until Monday morning if it is still available. Sorry if this upsets you.
    Bad business bro.. We been back in fourth past few hours we aggree on a price then when i ask for your paypal information. You tell me to hold off for a few days to see if you can sell it to someone else with the other lens thats not right. I know im new here and you have been here a long time and have alot of friends here but no matter how you look at it thats not right at all. You have the right to sell to who you want and at what price you want im just saying if you offer something to someone then they Aggree that should be a done deal. You should have said that from the beggining and not offer it to me at that price to renig and say hold off and let me see if i can sell it to someone esle with the other lens ..
    Thanks, but money is tight. Maybe if I sell a few things. Still got your Tiny Blue Laser in the chromed host with 5 modes. Still like it!
    Another question do you have a 3.8 modules u can sell me? Also where is the cheapest place to get a g-2 lenses for axis modules?
    Hey long time no talk. This is James from San Francisco. Haven't been on the forums in a couple of years. I used to come over to your apartment back when you lived near Van Ness and Polk.
    Hey yob I bought a 445 from you a while back and I am needing another. Can you shoot me a prices on what you have available?

    Yob, please fully charge those batteries before you ship it, my charger is on the way as well but I don't know which will get here first.
    Just looking around the internet about info on higher powered lasers.. Noticed you're in Napa.. Im off Soscol, near Stonehouse, Heh.. Been a bit of a Laser nut since Highschool. Didnt know there were more napans like me :)
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