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  • Hey yobresal dude, do you have any 2 w lasers available with you? And if not, you still selling blue 1w 445's? Hit me up when you got the chance bud!
    Well, it turns on so i'm thinking its the diode ? not the batts. I also see little splotches on the beam image on wall if I un-focus it to where it's just the rectangle/blob shape...
    hey --- I have one of your 445 lasers. It doesn't seem to want to burn anything, all of the sudden and it will just shut off, sometimes even tho batteries are charged. help ?
    Hey Yob, Thnx for the great 445. Shes awesome and of course still going strong and I still have my eyesight. Sent you a pm regarding purchasing 2 more of these units.

    Brad aka B33M
    hi, i am very interested in your 5-mode blue laser. if they are in stock i am prepared to purchase immediately. please contact me at your earliest convenience.
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    08-19-2011 07:34 PM
    Sorry those are out at the moment. i am orking on getting some more goggles in stock as well.
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    Ok well when you do let me know, cause I plan on ordering your 5-mode with some goggles.
    To be honest I was looking at your 5-mode, its awesome, and i think Im interested in that :)


    lol so i have a paypal order coming through I wanna get your laser when you build more, but do you have any way in selling me some safety goggles along with it?
    I have two laser and im looking to step it up a notch, could you refer me to your 4 most popular products right now?
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