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FrozenGate by Avery

Recent content by Xtrm2Rick

  1. Xtrm2Rick

    New 445nm Kryton Groove/MicroBoost build blinking

    i have had this to on a couple of builds to It was either the driver heating up or not enough juice in the battery. I put a piece of copper heatsink from DX on one of my builds and it seemed to work, it stil starts to blink but it just takes a bit longer before it start to blink.
  2. Xtrm2Rick

    Chrome Pen Builds

    yeah i noticed that, they just seem so familiar anyway nice set :)
  3. Xtrm2Rick

    Chrome Pen Builds

    looking pretty nice :) i just cant seem to find a beamshot :p anyway those focus rings look like tire caps from dx :o! i have been thinking about using those to
  4. Xtrm2Rick

    styropyro's 450mW 635nm Laser Torch!

    Yep thats what i ment to say, kinda mixed up:yh:
  5. Xtrm2Rick

    styropyro's 450mW 635nm Laser Torch!

    Very nice video! Isnt that one of those cubes thats inside a plasma screen?
  6. Xtrm2Rick

    WTB - 2watt+ laser

    No budget huh..... I would advice you to get in contact with a good company who produces dpss laser and ask them to develop a 2W yellow laser for you:p J/k. But seriously, whats your experience with lasers? 2W or higher can be pretty dangerous in the wrong hands And you also need some...
  7. Xtrm2Rick

    Polarion PH40 Helios

    You really like expensive toys huh? :beer: need to get myself a nice hid flashlight to, but i gues this one would be out of my budget:p
  8. Xtrm2Rick

    My new Candy Kryton, FTW!!!

    Phew.... When i saw 445 i was like NUUUUUUUU!!!! Then i saw jk and 635 which made it all better:D Im waiting for a lighter blue diode ( like 488:angel: keep on dreaming ) to put in my blue/clear kryton:p
  9. Xtrm2Rick

    My new Candy Kryton, FTW!!!

    that is some nice color you got on your kryton there! :beer: o and please dont say your going to put a 445nm diode in there :( a red beam from that host would look amazing:p
  10. Xtrm2Rick

    Free High Temp Shrink Tubing to say Thanks For All The Help!

    k np its understandable:) still a nice offer for USA members:beer:
  11. Xtrm2Rick

    Free High Temp Shrink Tubing to say Thanks For All The Help!

    if this stuff is as good as you say i would really like some... do you think you can stuff some in a envelope for me? and send it international, to the Netherlands? ill paypal you for shipping costs :) ( if the shipping cost isnt sky-high )
  12. Xtrm2Rick

    The REAL Kryton GB round #3. Taking payments now.

    You say what i was just thinking of:D, i couldnt seem to get them stuck either...and i rather not put any glue near my hosts :o np either way im fine with or without them:) was just curious
  13. Xtrm2Rick

    Review of the Wicked Laser Evolution Pro

    Lol necro and wrong thread?, had to much beer? :beer::crackup:
  14. Xtrm2Rick

    The REAL Kryton GB round #3. Taking payments now.

    i recieved my hosts Ken, thnx! :) that blue/clear splash one looks amazing!! way better then on the picture! i cant seem to get it on picture right with my phone and im to lazy to get my DSLR cam :p
  15. Xtrm2Rick

    The REAL Kryton GB round #3. Taking payments now.

    i wonder if we could get/use those switches Ehgemus uses, those are really great!
