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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    Guys, I'm about to release a new version of the game that supports a wider range of devices (sorry, if this took longer then expected :). So if you are interested in testing and have any of the devices below, please let me know. I'm adding support for 3 new screen resolutions: 1) 540x960 (HTC...
  2. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    @LaserCo That's because LG Ally uses ARM v6 CPU. Please see the bottom of my second post (reply to Benm). EDIT: just mentioned this in my original post also
  3. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    @ElektroFreak Make sure nobody sees you ;) I don't want to be guilty. Thanks, glad you enjoy it :)
  4. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    Hi guys, made a video of the game, as promised. It's a bit basic, as I'm no good in video editing, so it was all taken in one shot with music and outro screen added later in the Movie Maker (this sucker is much better now, btw :) I remember trying it 10 years ago in Windows ME and then haven't...
  5. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    @bombomlee Thanks! :)
  6. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    LG P500 has ARM 11 CPU that is not supported by the game's engine :\ Just found out that processor requirements for Pyro Shelf are the same as for the mobile version of Firefox, they even list devices that are and aren't compatible: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms/Android
  7. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    Hey guys! I just released a new version with 100 new levels and some other improvements :) Pyro Shelf for Android
  8. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    Thank you for your interest guys! @Silvershot me too :crackup: thankfully... or I wouldn't have started :) Typically, UI takes a great chunk of time in any end-user application. But for a game, you have to draw it yourself. And this easily took me half of that time, if not more. You really...
  9. vitalyx

    My first Android game

    Hello guys! I recently finished working on my first game for Android called Pyro Shelf. It's a chain-reaction puzzle game and if you are into brain teasers, this can be very addictive :) It was to fun to learn game programming, but even with my years of programming experience, this wasn't an...
  10. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Sorry for resurrecting the old thread, but for those of you who's interested the player is now distributed free of charge. It is also open source now, but I no longer develop it. So if you are looking for a lightweight way to listen to your mp3's or want to convert music or record internet...
  11. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    This promotion is now over. Thank you to all participants!
  12. vitalyx

    What's in your camera bag?

    Bag #1, Lowepro CLIPS-100: Panasonic FZ-35 Spare battery, UV filters and lenspen Bag #2, Caselogic SLRC-202 Medium: Canon EOS 550D (my first DSLR) 18-55mm kit lens 50mm f/1.8 Giottos blower and cleaning cloth Would love to get my hands on Canon's 10-22mm lens in the future :)
  13. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    The coupon code will be made available by Bits-du-Jour on June 10. You can go ahead and install the free version right now. At the end of the installation you'll be told about the promotion and how to get notified by email on sale dale. After the registration, you'll only have to enter the...
  14. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Oh, I see. It's a work in progress. Thanks for your feedback, nico. BTW, did it play mp3s on all 5 speakers for you?
  15. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Nice setup! What I learned, the difference in sound is much more apparent in headphones. Even then 16-bit processing may be enough if you don't use equalizer or any DSP effects. The longer the chain of the applied effects, the further sound degrades at the end of the chain. However, increase the...
  16. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    @niko sorry, can't comment on that. There is only one way to find out ;) @noesc Cool! Nice to know somebody from these forums has been using it already :) Looks like G-Force can't capture what you hear either. I just found this post that suggests a workaround, but it isn't free :\
  17. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Thanks! Glad you like it :) Haven't heard about commercial open source players... have you? ;) Will be posting a new version with some improvements later today, stay tuned :D
  18. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Yes, it does. In case it doesn't, it usually means something's wrong with your sound driver. Upgrading it may help.
  19. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Almost 7 actually. Why? For example, Winamp is 13 years old.
  20. vitalyx

    Great audio player at half the price!

    Hi guys, First of all, congrats to everybody in U.S.! Wish you a nice holiday! it's been awhile since my last post... I guess, old craziness is over :), but I'm still playing with my only remaining greenie every once in a while :) ... Soon I'll be running a promotion on the app I have been...
