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FrozenGate by Avery

Recent content by logsquared

  1. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    Actually the square FAC will in theory have better divergence for the same focal length collimator. The square beam will be wider than the linear at the colimation lens therefor the divergence after the collimator will be less. The problem I have found is the FAC cuases a certain amount of...
  2. L

    Low divergence FAC corrected Red combiner modules

    Electro-voice Xi-2183. 2x 18", 12" , 2". Serious beasts.
  3. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    Not steve but I think I can help here. Only the fast axis is corrected on these diodes. So a lens is still needed to collimate. You need a long FL lens becuase the fac has narrowed the fast axis in an attemp to more closely match the slow axis. Think about a standard correction scheme for a...
  4. L

    Low divergence FAC corrected Red combiner modules

    The FACed diodes are from laser tree. The laser tree "linear" is too narrow and the "square" is too big in the fast axis for this type of set-up. I had them special made. I think minimum order was 20 pcs and they were about double the normal price. I have a few unused diodes if you're...
  5. L

    Low divergence FAC corrected Red combiner modules

    There should be more photos with spot and aperture on the photo link now. The spots on the cinder block are at 130 feet. The loss from the fac is negligible. Im at work now, can get some measurements tomorrow. Hopefully can get some outside beam shots tonight.
  6. L

    Low divergence FAC corrected Red combiner modules

    Hey everyone. Havn't posted in some time. I was going through my shop and have some prototype laser combiners that may be of interest. These are low divergence lasers that use the P73 fac corrected diodes. The diodes are special made by lasertree and not the ones they have on ebay. The...
  7. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    Wow! thanks for the info. Its def not a Ushio HL63283HD. The best I could do was around 1.5mRad with 8mm width at the aperture. You are doing about 2X better than achievable with a P73, indicating the emitter is about 1/2 the P73. I'm surprised Jors wasn't as exited as Im getting. If you...
  8. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    Unfortunately, I don't have an actual G8 here. I do have some other 8mm FL lenses to try. I do have the C-lenses. I am fairly certain the FA will be very badly clipped with the 8mm and no FAC. .4mRad is real good. What is the near field like? Is the far field symmetrical or still bar...
  9. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    I was under the impression it might be the Ushio HL63283HD. I wonder if Jors has any more info on these? I have a HL63283HD here. If turns out you have a FAC'd one we can compare notes on beam specs, PO, etc.
  10. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    CDB- What red diode are you working with? How does the beam/spot compare to same unFac'd diode using the same optical c-lens set-up?
  11. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    :whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle: Bob you're killing me:D Put that lens in front of it. The crowd is getting restless. Sounds like a rotation issue? Maybe the FAC is slightly glued of axis? I'm not 100% sure I follow? So say with the G8 (8mm FL) the SA or the wide part of the...
  12. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    I know that go back and read my posts. I have been trying for 10 pages to explain how these work. But it should offer much improvement with simple optics. Much more compact and easy to build compared to cylinder pair.
  13. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    Don't give up yet! The first testers have only had them for a few days. I doubt laser tree had pointers in mind when then FAC'd these diodes. That doesn't mean they can't be used though. Also, about using aspheric lenses to collimate these..... Be careful buying any old aspheric lens...
  14. L

    New! Sharp Diodes 1W 520nm & 5W 455nm & +2W 638nm

    Ditch the G8. use just the 75mm FL.
