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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • I am sorry but I don't have anything above 100mW 532nm. Maybe you should look at the new 520nm diode. It can do 1.3Watt of green.
    Im really interested in buying one of your lasers but i have a few questions. How long does delivery from where you are to the U.S and what are your payment methods? Please email me at johnpaul.valle95@gmail.com
    Hey man so would you be able to ship your 2.4 w laser into the us without issue? If so id be more then willing to take it off your hands
    looking for a affordable hand held laser.

    In the military and do alot of field training, i am looking for a hand held laser that can light fires. Sometimes when it rains here (ALOT) our matches wont light when trying to build a fire, i was thinking about using a laser for it. Wont be effected by wind/rain and only need batteries. please email me at borg560@gmail.com for some prices and what types in depth you might have that i would be looking for., thanks also sent an email. we start training soon is why i am asking about it.
    Ik ben nieuw op dit forum omdat ik graag een laser zou hebben
    Een lid had gezegd dat jij me misschien wel kan helpen vermits je ook van belgie bent
    Kan ik je op een manier contacteren of vanwaar ben je
    Mvg jasper
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