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FrozenGate by Avery

first laser advise/help..


May 12, 2010

Read, Read, Read my son. All the info is here, you just need to do some reading first. Then if there is something you dont understand, we will jump in and help.

BTW Welcome to the forum.
this is a multimode diode, you will never easily get a beam out of this, it will require multiple lenses. i suggest starting with something easier like a PHR violet build
read this thread, the poster has the same diode you want to use: http://laserpointerforums.com/f40/my-first-ir-build-49920.html

k, but it seems that the thread is still a work in progress so i guess ill start with something less strong and get that right first :)

What are youre thoughts on a laser from an xbox 360 hd dvd player?
yes that is the PHR diode i was speaking of, they are a great place to start

k, um i found a used hd dvd player that works great and he wants 30$ for it, it seems a shame to take it apart :( anyway i can buy a phr diode that might cost the same or less and might be equal in strengh or better and perhaps might also be blue/violet?
PHR IS blue-violet (405nm wavelenght) ..... and yes, you can buy one for less than 30$, if i recall correctly there are some users that sell them already harvested and pressed in aixiz modules for like 15 to 20$ ..... they can give you 100/120mW of violet, and well focused they burn .....

BTW, what's your goal, to build a hand-held, pointer type unit, or a long-time run "labby" unit ?
or you could try hightechdealz or modwerx, they both sell the diodes pressed in modules fairly cheap
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hmm, i love blue lol, but i also want to be able to do trick with it( match, maybe paper?)etc im guessing the red diode is stronger than the blue thus it will be able to gie better results when using it as a burning laser, correct?
You need to read more, and stop guessing.

k so what i understood from reading more :) is that the power of the beam is based on the ma/mw and the visibility is based on nm . id like to go with this one but cannot find the mw/ma on the page . do you know where i can find it.

also there are 3 main drive makers people are using which one from your knowledge and understanding would be the best to go with.

I know, im a complete newbie at this so please beare with me until i completre my first laser :)

found it, its 60mW :) i know the expression, if you play with fire you get burned, but i aded, and if you play with it long enough, you master its power :P now then, that being said, i looked at the data sheet but wasnt much help with this question: id like my laser to be blue/violet abd to be higher than 60mw bunt under 30$ ...maybe also with the modual . is that possible?
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Hmm...just got a malicious URL block from the web site. What is Kendal trying to do?

The PHR can be set to 90-100mA safely.
Hmm...just got a malicious URL block from the web site. What is Kendal trying to do?

The PHR can be set to 90-100mA safely.


K so i will go with that one, and what of the driver, is there a specific one that wil let me use the diode to its fullest?
