A 10mW CNI 589nm module is only $400 from CNI reseller Dragon Lasers
Regardless of module prices:
What Country are you in?
>I currently reside in Taiwan (felt like I've written that on my profile long ago but I haven't, whoops)
What CNI model are you talking about rather than a vague who knows what it is for $590-$700 --a GLP pen? Continous Wave or 720Hz pulsed output like a CNI GLP pen from LaserGlow 5mW fo $669
https://www.laserglow.com/product/rigel-hv-yellow-laser-pointer which has no legal problems or risk coming to USA and other resellers sell for <$500
From the dimensions you give it would have to be a a GLP pen which is ~17 X 150 and CNI does not list 10mW as an option however see:
What model are you talking about when you say more powerful? A GLP can only handle so much heat.
>The host is exactly the same as CNI GLP, however they are not CNI but Shanghai Sanctity Laser (result of their company name search in LPF yielded nothing). I inquired about both their 589nm and 593nm pointers and they responded with a formal quotation letter only for the CW 10mW 589nm model. Also, more powerful refers to their pointer having 10mW instead of CNI's 5mW. Oh and a disclaimer, I'm in no way affiliated with them.
What does CNI charge you for shipping that needs to added on?
>They didn't specify that yet.
How are you going to ship, what shipper/carrier, to USA at what cost? CNI will not ship any pointers to USA because of problems with USA Customs as of 2015 so... "
CNI officially announced that laser pointer and portable laser series products for SLA purpose would be
no longer exported
to the U.S. "from Oct 1st, 2015. The incoming SLA orders from American customers will be rejected." so...
How are you going to guarantee the
money.Who handles the money and how?
>My original plan was to collect the funds myself with Paypal before transferring it to the company. Then have the lasers sent directly to the US (for those outside the US, I would have them sent here before sending them from the local post office).
Who loses the money if the proposed package is seized by US Customs being to ship them into the USA or Canada is illegal and/or the money is lost for whatever reasons?
>The group buyers.
Being that you have only been a member of LPF for 6 months or so you probably do not know the history of similar group buys from CNI. Things can and do go wrong.
>Thanks, I should've researched more about that. I guess I'm just hyped up since CNI no longer makes the 589nm pointers, then discovering them felt like finding a new spring after the previous one had dried.