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FrozenGate by Avery

Where can I buy a "DTR" laser power meter?

Sep 8, 2018
This power meter looks so highly refined! ;)


Just so there's no confusion I'm just ribbing Jordon a bit... :LOL:
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Ebay search B-K Precision 1747 and all Bk units will come up. I have a BK unit and they aren't cheap but you can find a good deal on a used one if you dont want a new one
Ebay search B-K Precision 1747 and all Bk units will come up. I have a BK unit and they aren't cheap but you can find a good deal on a used one if you dont want a new one
Do they come in a metal tin with a little horsey on it? :D
Ebay search B-K Precision 1747 and all Bk units will come up. I have a BK unit and they aren't cheap but you can find a good deal on a used one if you dont want a new one
Hey Rich I think he means the power meter not the power supply.
That power supply is pricy but it probably lasts forever. I might pick one up sometime
Ironic how the most useless people with nothing of their own construction on display can find time to critique what someone else has made, it's a psychological defense mechanism, rather than facing their own failure in life to accomplish anything of value or merit whatsoever they attack others for the slightest imperfections so that they can feel better about themselves, yet these sad souls actually crave negative attention, this contemptible behavior that skijohn displays seems reprehensible but in actuality it's quite pathetic, pitiable really.
Ironic how the most useless people with nothing of their own construction on display can find time to critique what someone else has made, I suppose it's a psychological defense mechanism, rather than facing their own failure in life to accomplish anything whatsoever they attack others for the slightest imperfections so that they can feel better about themselves, yet these sad souls actually crave negative attention, this contemptible behavior that skijohn displays seems reprehensible but in actuality it's quite pathetic, pitiable really.
I guess you missed the part in the OP when I said "Just so there's no confusion I'm just ribbing Jordon a bit... :LOL:"?

But don't let me interrupt your rant...
I guess you missed the part in the OP when I said "Just so there's no confusion I'm just ribbing Jordon a bit... :LOL:"?

But don't let me interrupt your rant...

No I saw that plea for attention, negative attention.
You know Jordan has not been active in this forum for quite some time now, you had zero expectations of interacting with Jordan, you did however wish to invoke disdain from members here who know him, in other words, you're not fooling anyone, well certainly not me anyway.
You have a very angry way of seeing things...

I've bought many items from Jodan and I talk to him by email, he has a great sense of humor and he's a very nice guy, although he doesn't have the time to interact with members here these days he still looks in from time to time, I don't think he needs you attacking members in his name.
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Does hearing the truth make you feel as if you have been attacked ? Very interesting and revealing.

You knew Jordan was not going to respond to you here in this forum yet you posted your so called " ribbing " here.

You posted here to elicit a response from members who know Jordan, you are still not fooling anyone, certainly not me.
Man, you really have issues, thanks for turning something that was meant to be fun and light-hearted into something ugly and mean-spirited...
Pathetic attempt to cover your trolling intentions, you even reiterated your troll bait instigation in post #3 because Lifetime17 thought you were talking about Jordans power supply. You're still not fooling anyone, certainly not me.
Do they come in a metal tin with a little horsey on it? :D
I go to his website all the time and he is the only person I trust to buy my diodes from, in fact, his website is one of my Google Chrome "quick links" at the top of my browser, I just noticed the horse on the tin a thought it was funny...

You have some real anger issues.
I'm sorry to disappoint you skijohn but I don't feel anger towards you, although I know you want me too, I feel pity because I know you can only feel good if you think you are making others angry, you don't want to face your own shortcomings so you troll, instigate, accuse, ridicule in an attempt to anger others because you then feel better about yourself knowing someone else feels worse than you even if for just a moment and you thrill to think you caused that anger, you feel powerful and accomplished when you can irritate others, that's why you troll. I see through you and understand you better than you understand yourself.
I'm sorry to disappoint you skijohn but I don't feel anger towards you, although I know you want me too, I feel pity because I know you can only feel good if you think you are making others angry, you don't want to face your own shortcomings so you troll, instigate, accuse, ridicule in an attempt to anger others because you then feel better about yourself knowing someone else feels worse than you even if for just a moment and you thrill to think you caused that anger, you feel powerful and accomplished when you can irritate others, that's why you troll. I see through you and understand you better than you understand yourself.
And you're calling me a troll?

You've completely wrecked the spirit of which was intended for this thread and turned it into your own little soapbox to rail on me for no other reason than you don't like what I have to say in the Politics and General Debates Thread, that much is obvious, this is just another common tactic often used to silence people you disagree with, call them a troll and attempt to demonize them and try to turn everyone against them by taking something benign and trying to make an issue out of it.

It's as old as politics itself and clearly what you are attempting to do!

I now yield my thread to you to continue your attempts...
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