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FrozenGate by Avery


Well this is great news! One more diode I can't afford to buy right now, but the more to choose from the better.

Very nice, it costs more than the 30mW 515's, but it's rated for 100mW.:) A $60 diode in hand is better than my $28 G.B. diode lost in postal hell somewhere.
I'm sure DTR will be doing power testing on these; interested in seeing how these compare to the 515nm ones from the G.B.
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Gotta look. Testing is important as I had no issue running both of my GB just over 100mW.
Data sheet shows the operating current 200-300mA and he has his set to 200mA. Hmmm, I'm running mine higher than that on a 30mW diode. Interesting. Need to see the real testing.
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Looks like no chance of getting this diode down to 5mw :(

I like that it also is 510nm-520nm that does look nice. I can't wait to see a build thread on it.
Couldn't find that in the datasheet on DTR's site. Is there another, more complete version?
Even if it couldn't get to 5mw maybe it could get close?
I wonder how much variation in diode wavelengths there will be, because it be sweet to get a 510nm diode at normal power down to 20mW at 505nm:eg:. The amount of wavelength shift with current is the determination for that, I guess.
The data sheet says for WL a minimum of 510nm, typical 515nm, max 520nm. It says the threshold current is typical 60mA, max 100mA, based on that I predict on the average it will begin lasing at about 25mW.

Looks like no chance of getting this diode down to 5mw :(

I like that it also is 510nm-520nm that does look nice. I can't wait to see a build thread on it.

Why not run the beam through a lens with the improper coatings, like a 3 element for red or 405
edit: or just some other filter. Sorry, I'm not sure if that would work with AR coatings
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I could get real exited if they were single mode, I would order right now.
But by the data sheet it looks multi mode.

Data sheet states:
Beam Divergence

- - - - - - - - - - - - minimum----average----maximum
Parallel - - - - - - - - - 6.0- - - - -8.5- - - - - -12.0
Perpendicular - - - - -18.0- - - - 21.5- - - - - -25.0

My assumption here was incorrect, junction divergence does not determine single or multi mode. I should know this from turning up 445's slowly, you can see the bars light up.
Still these numbers show the beam characteristics.
My thinking the old single mode 660's were perfectly square is also wrong, but the ratio is closer.
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They're listed on N!cH!@ as single mode. Those specs actually look slightly better than the PL520 (7x22), though I doubt that will make much difference.
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They're listed on N!cH!@ as single mode. Those specs actually look slightly better than the PL520 (7x22), though I doubt that will make much difference.

Is it the pl520 that's called the narrow strip multi mode?
Or is that the osram 638?
I can't remember, but do remember the M-140 was 12x40 and the 7475 is 11x46.
It's not so much the number that matters as it is the ratio between the two numbers.
They as you know represent the divergence from the PN junction.
If it was 16x16 or 75x75 either makes a round beam, 8.5 x 21.5 will be a bar.

OK I checked an old 80mw 660nm red single mode and it is listed average is 10x17, granted that's not perfectly round either.
These might look pretty good.

Well I am learning all the time, the numbers are not all of the story, single vs. multi is more to do with spectral width than junction divergence, but if N company is calling it single mode then that's good.

Here is some interesting reading:


The number of spectral lines that a laser is capable of supporting is a function of the cavity structure, as well as the operating current. The result is that multimode laser diodes exhibit spectral outputs with multiple peaks around their center wavelength.

So this would mean that a single mode diode could still produce a very rectangular output from its junction, the perpendicular and parallel numbers represent that divergence, multimode or single mode is a different matter....Learning all the time. :) :) :)
Also learning, forgetting and re-learning, god getting old is fun. :/
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Yea it will probably make a pretty decent looking beam with out common lenses, I wonder is the acrylic lens will be the best choice?
I am still waiting for my G7's from podo, been about a week and a half now.
