Whilst I do champion Win 7 myself , I went for Win 10 because it's getting good reviews .
Also, you can do a COMPLETE rollback (within 30 days) if you don't like it, it saves a snapshot of your current installation and put's it in a folder in your root.
CrazySpaz is right about it sending data to MS , its one of the main complaints...but you can tell it not to, it even prompts you to, right after the installation.
I put it on my main gaming rig, and EVERYTHING works, and its fast.
I would urge anyone to try it, as I said before, you can do a complete rollback if you don't like it, you have nothing to lose...and its free

I can also confirm it deletes NOTHING , the computer is as it was before, just with Win 10. Heck, I have icons dotted around the place and they were all where they should be, it didn't "tidy up" my desktop :crackup: .