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FrozenGate by Avery

Windows 10 , Have you?


Nov 25, 2008
Installed it on my main gaming machine, and my laptop and have to say, its very good.

Coming from an IT guy , that's high praise considering the abomination that was Windows 8. Are you going to "upgrade"?


Look at the windows 10 help page, I'm fairly certain you keep all your files and programs. Heck, there's also floppy drive support :crackup:
I'll try it with my laptop, as I don't have much invested in that installation and it has 8.1 so I might as well spend time configuring Windows 10 instead of 8.1 with all its 8.x defects; I'll be waiting some time for upgrading my desktop though.. It has 5 or so years of tweaks and programs and other stuff that took a long time to get right (and which Microsoft likes to keep trying to mess up with its updates).

I'll wait for a half year or so before attempting the desktop upgrade. It might also be a good excuse to upgrade some hardware .. but then again this ol' overclocked i7-920 is still kicking ass for my needs and I'd rather spend the money on a better video card.
i just upgraded as well. it didnt delete anything from my old setup. all it does it change to windows 10 and keeps everything intact :D
Thanks for the link ped. its so smooth :D
Im staying with 7.
10 sends a LOT of data to "microsoft" (MS made deals with the NSA much like facebook, not huge surprise), including files, passwords, etc...im sure this has been occurring for a while and I know it does in win7, but 10 is much much worse. I'll find the link when I get to a desktoo
Whilst I do champion Win 7 myself , I went for Win 10 because it's getting good reviews .

Also, you can do a COMPLETE rollback (within 30 days) if you don't like it, it saves a snapshot of your current installation and put's it in a folder in your root.

CrazySpaz is right about it sending data to MS , its one of the main complaints...but you can tell it not to, it even prompts you to, right after the installation.

I put it on my main gaming rig, and EVERYTHING works, and its fast.

I would urge anyone to try it, as I said before, you can do a complete rollback if you don't like it, you have nothing to lose...and its free :) .

I can also confirm it deletes NOTHING , the computer is as it was before, just with Win 10. Heck, I have icons dotted around the place and they were all where they should be, it didn't "tidy up" my desktop :crackup: .
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