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FrozenGate by Avery

Recommended Eye Wear

What wavelength? I suggest not going cheap when it comes to eye sight. Survival lasers has great eyewear for various wavelengths. You only got one set of eyes!
Hi so I just ordered a 2w+ laser from Sci-fi Lasers. What eye protection do you all recommend me getting?:thanks:
I know these are cheap but would they work?:

Uvex S0360X Ultra-spec 2000 Safety Eyewear, Orange Frame, SCT-Orange UV Extreme Anti-Fog Lens - Safety Glasses - Amazon.com

Those aren't real laser safety glasses but yes they will work for UV, violet, and blue, they work for green but I don't trust them with green. The only other cheap glasses I can recommend are these: HDE Laser Eye Protection Safety Glasses for Green and Blue Lasers with Case (Red) - - Amazon.com be aware that there are other cheap red glasses that look the same that are for green only. These are good for green and red: Amazon.com: Yiding Blue Safety Glasses 492nm-770nm Red Green Yellow Laser Eye Protection Goggles Blue: Health & Personal Care they are darker than they look in the photo.

Once you get to 2W or more I am not sure I trust those cheap glasses to protect you from a direct hit. The Uvex and HDE have been tested and shown to be effective, but once you can afford it I recommend something better like these:
If you're in the U.S.
For international customers.
Or these.
Laser Safety Glasses, AixiZ

Eagle pair has good goggles, some of the best actually. They run around 40 bucks, I'm guessing you bought a blue laser due to the power? You want goggles that block out 190 to 540nm, I think that's what they are labled
Maybe I am not looking correctly but other than the links for survival laser, I do not see the OD rating for those goggles. With you having a 2w+ laser, be sure the OD rating is high enough to give you protection for that strong of a class IV laser.
Maybe I am not looking correctly but other than the links for survival laser, I do not see the OD rating for those goggles. With you having a 2w+ laser, be sure the OD rating is high enough to give you protection for that strong of a class IV laser.

Good advice, for 2W you should have OD4 or better to be completely safe from a direct hit to the eye.

The Uvex don't have an OD rating because they aren't laser safety glasses, but there has been destructive testing on them while using an LPM and they are effective so many here use them.

The blue ones I linked to claim OD5.

I don't know why the HDE don't have an OD rating, there are other red ones that look the same that claim OD5, but again there has been destructive testing on these and they were shown to be effective.

Testing on these cheap glasses needs to be done again to see that they haven't changed, as it has been a couple of years.

The ones I linked to at AixiZ are certified laser safety glasses and list the OD ratings, these are expensive.

The Eagle Pair are probably the best choice without spending a fortune.


Yes I have those myself, if you want cheap glasses they are good. Here's a link to one of the tests:
I wear glasses and these HDE are smaller than others that look like the same design, I can wear them under my glasses but that won't work for everyone.

If you need some that fit over glasses go with Uvex, I also have those myself and trust them with 405 and with 445/450 and certainly with only 1W. Here's a link to one of the tests:
You can use them for viewing the dot and burning stuff with a 3W for sure but I wouldn't trust them for a direct hit at that power but they would probably work. I like the Uvex better because I feel like I can see better out of them.

If you get more lasers and something more than 1W it would be a good idea to get something better, anyway you want more than one pair of glasses so you can show off your laser to others. Burning through a DVD case impresses people.

Sauz14;13614[URL="Hi so I just ordered a 2w+ laser from Sci-fi Lasers. What eye protection do you all recommend me getting?:thanks: I know these are cheap but would they work?: EDIT: 445nm blue 2w laser [url=http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003OBZ64M/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ATAU83KG2T9I&coliid=I1OSRKKQWM62Y5 said:
Uvex S0360X Ultra-spec 2000 Safety Eyewear, Orange Frame, SCT-Orange UV Extreme Anti-Fog Lens - Safety Glasses - Amazon.com[/url]

What wavelength? I suggest not going cheap when it comes to eye sight. Survival lasers has great eyewear for various wavelengths. You only got one set of eyes!

100% agree 10fenny --here is a serious professional laser goggle/glasses web site -- Laservision: http://www.lasersafety.com/eyewear they offer a wide selection of 2,000+ different laser safety eyewear filters

New members should really should read the "stickys" in the Safety and Legal section where there is a lot of information about laser goggles/glasses here: Safety & Legal Issues - Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers at a minimum read this one: http://laserpointerforums.com/f53/get-some-safety-goggles-now-75799.html

Is your eyesight long term really only worth less than $10??

I am always utterly astonished that people discuss risking their eyesight for matter of a few dollars and are thinking to buy thin, mass produced , low end chinese goggles that at best offer some protection rather than none but at worst offer almost no protection. You may not find out for many years how bad they are until you notice your eyes are not what they should be.

Know and understand that ocular damage from lasers is cumualtive over time. Damage can take place over time with no noticeable damage effects at the moment but find you can't see when you get older due to damage over time. Small unnoticed damage can easily occur while you think you are protected by "kings new clothes" low cost glggles but really are not protected 100% allowing unnotice damage occur many times over and over again, until one day when it is too late you notice a change in eyesight.

If you feel your pocket can handle it --that eyesight is worth good procautions and protection I would strongly suggest you get, minimally, glasses/goggles the quality of an Eagle Pair sold by Survival Lasers for $40 to $50. They are not expensive when you consider there are professional laser gogles available in the price range of $85 to $2400. See details of the reaosnably price good laser glasses/goggles here: Safety

The above having been said---if you are determined to buy cheap laser goggles then be sure the pair you get is actually tested. There is a good thread on low cost economy glasses and their pitfalls here:http://laserpointerforums.com/f53/proper-effective-cheap-safety-glasses-94006.html The LPF member who made the thread sells low cost goggles on ebay and individually tests each pair he sells See: hyperbeamlasers | eBay. With these at least you you can be sure you get a pair that that has personally and individually tested by the seller. Even at best they will not be as protective as better quality laser goggles.

Remember, there is no prosthesis for a destroyed retina.

Hey, I made this my 1000th post! Hope this helps members make decisions about eyewear not based on just money but to take best precautions and enjoy lasers as safely a possible. Ask yourself what your eyesight short and long term is worth if considering a pair of low cost glasses/ogoggles.
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For a while, my collection of laser safety goggles cost me more than the lasers themselves! Eyes are priceless!
Some things shouldn't be purchased just because they are cheap. Think $9.99 eBay parachutes. :)
i found some VERY nice safety glasses on amazon for very little, they are all less than 10$ and i currently have the one for 532 green, and they work extraordinarily well for the price, and i also have the ones for blocking red, and the ones for blue coming in the mail. heres a link the them: HDE Laser Eye Protection Safety Glasses for Red and UV Lasers with Case (Blue) - - Amazon.com

i think you will need the dark green ones to block blue light, the red ones will work, but not very well.
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i found some VERY nice safety glasses on amazon for very little, they are all less than 10$ and i currently have the one for 532 green, and they work extraordinarily well for the price, and i also have the ones for blocking red, and the ones for blue coming in the mail. heres a link the them: HDE Laser Eye Protection Safety Glasses for Red and UV Lasers with Case (Blue) - - Amazon.com

i think you will need the dark green ones to block blue light, the red ones will work, but not very well.

PS the orange-red ones work far better than the dark green ones against "blue" light

"work extraordinarily well" According to who?
On what basis? With laser of what output power?

They are not certified to meet any International CE Standards nor USA ANSI standards. They are not serious real laser glasses/goggles that actually do the job.

They are some protection mabe against low output power lasers which is better than none but not anywhere near "extraordinary" protection except when your laser is not turned on.

At least read post #2, #12, #13 in this thread and also read this thread by an LPF member who sells them and individualy tests each pair he sells and weedss out the really bad pairs. http://laserpointerforums.com/f53/proper-effective-cheap-safety-glasses-94006.html
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