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FrozenGate by Avery

Overspec laser + IR?

Feb 16, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to LPF although I've been reading on this site for quite some time. I like lasers, just like everyone here, but I don't want to spend a lot of money on it. I've owned cheap $8 laser pens. When I won a $100 DealExtreme Gift Card, I decided to go a little higher. I ordered the green SD-301 5mW model, which is $24,34.People who wrote reviews about this laser, said that it was overspec (50mW or more).

Since green lasers are made out of Near-IR/IR (correct me if I'm wrong), I was thinking: if it's overspec, does it output a lot of IR? If it does, I want to buy some EaglePair goggles. Otherwise, I'm going to buy cheap eBay goggles.

Thanks in advance!

I can't tell you exactly how much IR it will output, could be a lot, could be minimal as each laser is slightly different. One thing that is for sure, IR will be outputted no matter what due to the lack of an IR filter.

Edit: I don't think EaglePair's might be necessary. As long as you are very cautious you shouldn't have a problem with it, but be aware about choosing eBay goggles, some do not protect your eyes at ALL! I would recommend these goggles from DL, they are as cheap as eBay goggles and are guaranteed to protect you from IR :)

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Just because its overspec doesn't necessarily mean it will be spewing IR. For example, the lasersman.com Firedragon 532 (as tested by lazeerer in this case-link) came in nearly 100mW overspec, but only had about 25mW of IR. Short of metering it, there is no way to know how much IR any given laser will have.
I can't tell you exactly how much IR it will output, could be a lot, could be minimal as each laser is slightly different. One thing that is for sure, IR will be outputted no matter what due to the lack of an IR filter.

Edit: I don't think EaglePair's might be necessary. As long as you are very cautious you shouldn't have a problem with it, but be aware about choosing eBay goggles, some do not protect your eyes at ALL! I would recommend these goggles from DL, they are as cheap as eBay goggles and are guaranteed to protect you from IR :)

Laser Safety Glasses, Goggles, Eyewear :: Dragon Lasers

Thanks, I've read about these glasses, but I didn't know these were blocking IR aswell because the OD graph shows OD0 from 600nm and up.

Again, thanks!
Is he saying he is going to buy goggles for IR? most of them are NOT cheap at all-

Techhood will sell you 2pcs good IR filters for $10 -IIRC they are 10mm square-

tonite i metered a green 5 mW typical 3$ pointerpen- 27 mW as is and 7 less with the IR filter- that was with the laser VERY close to the LBII sensor - as you move away Iirc the beam spreads out as LOT so there is less danger-

I dont point lasers at anyone so the presence of IR is no big deal- & goggles made for the greens are not always good for IR

DL does have one $29, not that bad- Gs 09- but another pair is needed for high blues and reds-
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Man, how can people trust their eyes to a $3 laser goggles?

Who says the cost of safety has to be high? You can get a pair of safety goggles ANSI approved to protect you against shrapnel for $3.

You can get a fuse that prevents electrical fires and explosions for 10 cents. Would you trust your life to a 10 cent fuse? No? Too bad. Every electronic device you own probably has one.
