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FrozenGate by Avery

LPM for sale


Jan 14, 2012
Here's a DIY LPM I built last summer, jufran88 helped me build it. It uses his circuit. It's going to be an inexpensive LPM nothing really fancy, no data logging or any of that. If you want that contact lasersbee he'll have something.

Here's some pictures


The white is on the wire not the sensor.

That's the back, like is said it's not a professional LPM, but it works. It doesn't have datalogging, accuracy is about 20%

It's 65$ + shipping (PM me for shipping ) it will be tracked no matter what.
You can also make a reasonable offer if you feel it's too expensive.
Im going to be getting a better one so that's why I'm selling this one
It's an 8mm tec so it also gets very quick response times :)
PM me or post below with questions :)

Thanks for looking :beer:
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Is it just me or does the second picture look like a robot with a huge drill :D. Anyway good luck on the sale!
Is it just me or does the second picture look like a robot with a huge drill :D. Anyway good luck on the sale!

He is laughing and dancing while drilling into your body :D

Your deal won´t last long AnthoT. There are many people around waiting for a cheap LPM. They just need to trip over this thread :beer:
It's capable of over 2 watts but I wouldn't go above 3 with the coating it currently has, I've personally used it up to 2.6 :)

Thanks DJNY :beer:
If someone is interested in buying this it would be easy enough to add datalogging onto it, check out the link in my sig. :D
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If someone is interested in buying this it would be easy enough to add datalogging onto it, check out the link in my sig. :D

That's really cool ARGlaser :beer: that means for like ~ 40$ more this could have datalogging ;) with an arduino and your circuit :)
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Good luck with the sale, looks like a nice bit of kit! What will you be getting next?:beer:
can this be calibrated so its better than 20%? I presume against another LPM?

Yes of course, there are potentiometers on the back to adjust it :) BTW there is also a zero ;) the zero is the big one and the smaller one is calibration
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