Re: WE NEED ONLY 11 MORE $5 donations--HELP FOR JAMES Master List
WOOT!!! the 'goal' has been reached- We will keep this going until midnight FRIDAY the 29th Central (Chicago) time for any who stiil want to helpout and maye get lucky too.
special thanks to Jeff00 and Daguin for putting us over the top!!
DL 1 143- udanis 10 ( sent to me for James)- THNX Alex
DL 1 144 udanis
DL 1 145--I.E. 20 (G Z- ) thnx 'jerry'
DL 1 144 "
DL 1 145 "
DL 1 146--I. E......
DL 1 147 to DL1 167-- from 'P M' 100< you rock sir!!
DL 1 168 'Distillate' Casey 25(more TY )
DL 1 169 "" ""
DL 1 170 " "
Dl 1 171 " "
Dl 1 172 " "--casey
DL 1 174-(J.R.) 20 TY this member will redonate any incentive won- or??? SHOULD WE SEND IT TO JAMES-- PM me your thoughts
DL 1 173 J.R.
DL 1 174 J.R.
DL 1 175 J.R.
DL 1 176 Flaminpyro Jeff- 15 sent to my PP & used to help pay for the Ti-B we sent to James for his B-Day
DL 1 177 Jeff BOWtieguy 10(more--ty)
DL 1 178 Jeff. thanx bro
DL 1 179 9ring--(PP addy emma) thanks Al you may be new here but already I feel like we are old friends--50$- Al has invoked his right to Santa Clause- any item go to James
DL 1 180-9ring
DL 1 181 9ring
DL 1 182 9ring
DL 1 183 9ring
DL 1 184 9ring
DL 1 185 9ring
DL 1 186 9ring
DL 1 187 9ring
DL 1 188 9ring
DL 1 189 9ring
DL 1 190 Jeff00--20
DL 1 191 Jeff
DL 1 192 Jeff
DL 1 193 Jeff
DL 1 194 Daguin 100!!! wowzers!
DL 1 195 Dave
DL 1 196 Dave
DL 1 197 Dave
DL 1 198 Dave
DL 1 199 Dave
DL 1 200 Dave
DL 1 201 Dave
DL 1 202 Dave
DL 1 203 Dave
DL 1 204 Dave
DL 1 205 Dave
DL 1 206 Dave
DL 1 207 Dave
DL 1 208 Dave
DL 1 209 Dave
DL 1 210 Dave
DL 1 211 Dave
DL 1 212 Dave
DL 1 213 Dave
Re: WE NEED ONLY 11 MORE $5 donations--HELP FOR JAMES Master List
OKAY I may need some help here--
as best as I can do this is the list complete except for any who send in donations from NOW til the final choosing for the incentive 'items' this coming Friday midnight CST- I found one error and have corrected it- IF YOU find any PLEASE let me know asap
A few were added NOT in the proper spot by timeline like "J R"
If you donated and are not on the is list or if you ARE on this list and forgot to donate PLEASE let me know. IF you want to add an item to the 'incentives' list please both post that here and PM me asap.
I will post a new thread with the above in it to be sure it gets attention and when the selection is over I will post the results in that same thread. I will add a link in ALL the other threads as well.
I had no doubts that we would reach the goal but am still awed by all of you.
BEST WISHES to all for a wonderful 2013.
On behalf of the Cranmer family THANKS for all the kindness.
V/R hak
Master list
ATM the list--- (designated as DL1.)
DL1- 1 c0ldshadow -- (averyt)---$40
DL1 - 2 coldshadow -- (averyt)
DL1 - 3 coldshadow -- (averyt)
DL1 - 4 coldshadow -- (averyt)
DL1 - 5 coldshadow -- (averyt)
DL1- 6 coldshadow -- (averyt)
DL1- 7 coldshadow -- (averyt)
DL1- 8 c0ldshadow-- (averyt)
DL1- 9 Mohrenberg 40..(<nurse Molly)
DL1- 10 MOH
DL-1--11 MOH
DL1- 12 MOH
DL1- 13 MOH
DL1- 14 MOH
DL1- 15 MOH
DL1- 16 MOH
DL- 17 Hakzaw1 ..30-- (snappl...)
DL1- 18 hak
DL1-19 hak
DL1- 20 hak
DL1--21 hak
DL1--22 hak
DL1- 23 Blord( PP ??) 25( thanks Kot)
DL-1 26--Kot
DL-1 27--Kot (Blord)
DL1 28--jnhowett..50
DL1 29--jnhowett
DL1 30--jnhowett
DL1 31--jnhowett
DL1 32--jnhowett
DL1 33--jnhowett
DL1 34--jnhowett
DL1 35--jnhowett
DL1 36--jnhowett
DL1 37--jnhowett
DL1 38--Pheonix Rob B. 5
DL1 39--Jetlasers--Gray--25
DL1 40--JetL
DL1 41--JetL
DL1 42--jetL
DL1 43--JetL
DL1 44--Corbin (CDHDC) 20(MO)
DL1-45 Corbin
DL1- 46 Corbin
DL1-47 Corbin
DL-1-48- Jeff ( LPF username 'bowtieguy')--20 (MO)
DL1-49 -Jeff
DL1-50 -Jeff
DL1-51 Casey
DL1-52 casey -- Distillate
DL1-53 casey
DL1-54 casey
DL1-55 casey
DL1-56 casey
DL1-57 casey
DL1-58 casey
DL1-59 DMacrae--(dmac.) 40
DL1-60 "
DL1-61 "
DL1-62 "
DL1- 63 "
DL1- 64 "
DL1- 65 "
DL1- 66 "
DL1- 67 Rodman (rodm...) 20
DL1- 68 Rodman
DL1- 69 Rodman
DL1- 70 Rodman
DL1- 71--Garoq--Gary 100!!
DL1- 72 VOID
DL1- 73 "
DL1-74 "
DL1 75 "
DL1 76 "
DL1- 77 "
DL1 - 78 "
DL1 - 79 "
DL1 80 "
DL1 81 "
DL1 82 "
DL1 83 "
DL1 84 "
DL 1 85 "
DL 1 86 "
DL1 87 "
DL1 88 "
DL1 89 "
DL1 90 "
DL1 91 "Garog-Gary
DL1 92 void
DL 1 93 Anon--250!!!!!
DL 1 94 Anon
DL 1 95 Anon
DL 1 96 Anon
DL 1 97 Anon
DL 1 98 Anon
DL 1 99 Anon
DL 1 100 Anon<<< WOOT!! half way mark!!
DL 1 101 Anon
DL 1 102 Anon
DL 1 103 Anon
DL 1 104 Anon
DL 1 105 Anon
DL 1 106 Anon
DL 1 107 Anon
DL 1 108 Anon
DL 1 109 Anon
DL 1 110 Anon
DL 1 111 Anon
DL 1 112 Anon
DL 1 113 Anon
DL 1 114 Anon
DL 1 115 Anon
DL 1 116 Anon
DL 1 117 Anon
DL 1 118 Anon
DL 1 119 Anon
DL 1 120 Anon
DL 1 121 Anon
DL 1 122 Anon
DL 1 123 Anon
DL 1 124 Anon
DL 1 125 Anon
DL 1 126 Anon
DL 1 127 Anon
DL 1 128 Anon
DL 1 129 Anon
DL 1 130 Anon
DL 1 131 Anon
DL 1 132 Anon
DL 1 133 Anon
DL 1 134 Anon
DL 1 135 Anon
DL 1 136 Anon
DL 1 137 Anon
DL 1 138 Anon
DL 1 139 Anon
DL 1 140 Anon
DL 1 141 Anon
DL 1 142 Anon<<< you rock brother!!
DL 1 143- udanis 10 ( sent to me for James)- THNX Alex
DL 1 144 udanis
DL 1 145--I.E. 20 (G Z- ) thnz 'jerry'
DL 1 144 "
DL 1 145 "
DL 1 146--I. E......
DL 1 147 to DL1 167-- from 'P M' 100< you rock sir!!
DL 1 168 'Distillate' Casey 25(more TY )
DL 1 169 "" ""
DL 1 170 " "
Dl 1 171 " "
Dl 1 172 " "--casey
DL 1 174-(J.R.) 20 TY this member will redonate any incentive won- or??? SHOULD WE SEND IT TO JAMES-- PM me your thoughts
DL 1 173 J.R.
DL 1 174 J.R.
DL 1 175 J.R.
DL 1 176 Flaminpyro Jeff- 15 sent to my PP & used to help pay for the Ti-B we sent to James for his B-Day
DL 1 177 Jeff BOWtieguy 10(more--ty)
DL 1 178 Jeff. thanx bro
DL 1 179 9ring--(PP addy emma) thanks Al you may be new here but already I feel like we are old friends--50$- Al has invoked his right to Santa Clause- any item go to James
DL 1 180-9ring
DL 1 181 9ring
DL 1 182 9ring
DL 1 183 9ring
DL 1 184 9ring
DL 1 185 9ring
DL 1 186 9ring
DL 1 187 9ring
DL 1 188 9ring
DL 1 189 void
DL 1 190 Jeff00--20
DL 1 191 Jeff
DL 1 192 Jeff
DL 1 193 Jeff
DL 1 194 Daguin 100!!! wowzers!
DL 1 195 Dave
DL 1 196 Dave
DL 1 197 Dave
DL 1 198 Dave
DL 1 199 Dave
DL 1 200 Dave
DL 1 201 Dave
DL 1 202 Dave
DL 1 203 Dave
DL 1 204 Dave
DL 1 205 Dave
DL 1 206 Dave
DL 1 207 Dave
DL 1 208 Dave
DL 1 209 Dave
DL 1 210 Dave
DL 1 211 Dave
DL 1 212 Dave
DL 1 213 Dave
DL-1 214( mistake from anon 250 I shorted him one spot(AFAIK)
ARE there any more donations that came in within the last 72 hours??
PM me and also email me at yahoo or gmail ASAP stat
Okay- 3 mistakes were found- those extra spots will be void and if those numbers hit it will just go on to the next number drawn.
I would like to have this done by Sunday night.
Pheonix Rob has offered to do the draw for us and even tho he does have ONE number in the pool I can say with 100% certainity he will do this for us in a totally honest fashion.
Serveral have asked for anything they won to be sent to James instead(the Santa Clause)
anyone else can do the same at any time.
I stated in the OP that the donor of these 16(so far)items is responsible for the shipping---HOWEVER it would be very nice if the winners try to work out anything that may make all this more fair( like chipping in or offering to pay for the shipping)
you all have ~24 hours to let me know if there are any MORE errors- keeping track of all this has not always been easy as some sent their PP to me- I used all that $$ to party the night a way-- J/K just seeing if you wwere really reading this ==ha ha
Actually it was used to pay for a JETLASER Ti-B 532/100 with extras and the shipping- James has wanted one for a long time and he had his wife's blessing to get one for his birthday which was shortly before the accident.
James has one request that I also ask of all my forum brothers- PLEASE be very careful this coming new years eve. Designate a driver it you intend to drink ANY alcohol-- IF there was ever a time to be the best defensive driver that you can, it would be then.
Treat every other driver as if you knew they were drunk drivers.
So take a cab- call a friend but DO NOT get behind the wheel==PLEASE
..AND as texting or other use of cell phones make you are dangerous as any drunk driver you may want to avoid these and other distractions.
best wishes to all for 2013..len
I have made the changes in the above post- PLEASE PM me asap if you see ANY other errors
So cool to see everyone chipping in to help a brother out. People these days are only concerned with "me, me, me, mine, mine mine," its a comforting change... happy new year friends be safe!!!
- D.
good question-- I had a vet lined up to run the numbers tonite but a family emergency has caused him to bow out- am now trying to find another trusted Vet who has not entered the 'pool' .
I may ask Adam 'buffo' to do this for us- he runs all the SELEM events- & is trusted with thousands of $$ - well liked & trusted at the lasershow forum and very familiar with as he has used it every year for the live doorpool drawings at SELEM.. he is not a vet here but in his case that is not important.
SO.. I know many are anxiously waiting but sorry guys- just allow me the time to do this properly.
last chance tonite for letting me know if anyone sees any errors in th master list..hak
PS: (Edit) Due to the file size restriction on attached images, there are two attachments. The first is a cropped screen grab, and the second (the zip file) is the full .bpm of the screen grab in 1920 x 1080 resolution.
Man, I had one whole ticket & didn't win anything. I think the drawing was rigged!!! J/ K
The Rob Banas Family. (phoenix77)